Again, a perfect format is spoiled again by the releasing of the Shining Darkness...
The Shining Darkness give X-Saber so many support, bring them to a new level of competivity... The same applies for Infernity. Blackwing is definitely drop down a tier... Gladiator still can compete pretty well, thanks to Chariot. Unlike X-Saber, Infernity can be easily side against. A well-timed D.D. Crow can screw it up. Even Quickdraw Plant and Flamevell Cat lose thier shine infront of Infernity and X-Saber. Something must be done to bring back the fun...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I remembered the time when I was only 170cm tall, with 3cm hair(I mean the logest one), that time I was crazy about Maple Story(an online game). Maple Story I think only got 4 types of jobs(I mean long time ago). I also watched my favourite movie of all times - TRANSFORMER. Later on, I was bored about Maple Story and picked up Dota(I think that time was 6.40 map). Maybe since that time I crazy about N-Tech, always go to N-Tech with my friends and "brothers". Feel bored about Dota, go for Yugi-oh. However, I din't have enough money that time to buy cards. Time passed quicky, I was going to sit for SPM paper soon. But, I din't work hard at all, played all the days. Finally, beat the "SPM Boss" , proceeded to the next level. Krico, yeah. 1st working experience. But it was like black-hearted company, gave me soo little salary and kept calling me to work overtime. Now, I'm studying in Form 6, 178cm tall, 6cm hair, no longer playing Dota, no longer playing Maple Story, however still playing yugioh, and I had watched Transformer 2(going to watch 3 next year). I do not dare to say that I'm still the same as before, but I do sincere... My story is boring, I do know. But I'll try my best to make it more interesting...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
He asked me for Flamevell cat deck list, here isit...
Flamevell Firedog x3
Flamevell Magician x3
Ryko, the Lightsworn Hunter x3
Super-Nimble Mega Hamster x1
Caius the Shadow Monarch x1
X-Saber Airbellum x3
Rescue Cat x1
Summoner Monk x1
Gravekeeper's Spy x3
Gravekeeper's Descendant x1
Rekindling x2
Heavy Storm x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Book of Moon x3
Brain Control x1
Mind Control x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Dimension Prison x2
Dust Tornado x2
Mirror Force x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Call of the Huanted x1
Solemn Judgement x1
Flamevell Firedog x3
Flamevell Magician x3
Ryko, the Lightsworn Hunter x3
Super-Nimble Mega Hamster x1
Caius the Shadow Monarch x1
X-Saber Airbellum x3
Rescue Cat x1
Summoner Monk x1
Gravekeeper's Spy x3
Gravekeeper's Descendant x1
Rekindling x2
Heavy Storm x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Book of Moon x3
Brain Control x1
Mind Control x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Dimension Prison x2
Dust Tornado x2
Mirror Force x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Call of the Huanted x1
Solemn Judgement x1
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I often visit yugi-oh strategy sites and forum, and I found that many like to complain about this card is broken, that card is broken... Even it's not true, they still insist on their own point. Just an example, above 80% of forumer complained that Judgement Dragon is broken and needed to be banned. I knew, as a duelist we've some experience about Lightsworn format(one of the worst format that kills all the fun). They just failed to realize that Judgement Dragon is not broken anymore. It's power still maintain the same, however he's a lot harder to summon now with Charge and Lumina limited. Moreover, Lightsworn isn't topping anymore... So, why complain about Lightsworn. Even Wulf they also want to complain. With weakened mill power, I don't see Wulf as a problem. They just don't see the fact that Wulf is a dead draw in hand. With Lumina limited, Lightsworn players have hard time discard their dead Wulf. Some complain about DAD yet... What's so great about him? Having exactly 3 DARKs in graveyard. I think only Blackwing can use this card really effectively. Even DAD has the chance to be a dead draw. But I can agree with Rekindling and Infernity Gun being broken. But limitation will solve the problem. Don't try to say everything is broken, let's ban all. Banning should always be the last step.
I think this list is fine, it may not be good for everyone(personal opinion).
Gallis the Star Beast
Pot of Avarice
Infernity Gun
Stardust Dragon
XX-Saber Faultroll
Miracle Fusion
Pot of Greederosity
Machine Duplication
Judgement Dragon
Magician of Faith
Destiny Draw
Battle Fader
Lumina the Lightsworn Summoner
Necro Gardna
No Longer on List:
Royal Oppression
Skill Drain
Royal Degree
Magical Stone Excavation
I think this list is fine, it may not be good for everyone(personal opinion).
Gallis the Star Beast
Pot of Avarice
Infernity Gun
Stardust Dragon
XX-Saber Faultroll
Miracle Fusion
Pot of Greederosity
Machine Duplication
Judgement Dragon
Magician of Faith
Destiny Draw
Battle Fader
Lumina the Lightsworn Summoner
Necro Gardna
No Longer on List:
Royal Oppression
Skill Drain
Royal Degree
Magical Stone Excavation
Judgement x2
Celestia the Lightsworn Angel x3
Wulf the Lightsworn Beast x3
Jain the Lightsworn Paladin x2
Garoth the Lightsworn Warrior x1
Lyla the Lightsworn Sorceress x2
Aurkus the Lightsworn Druid x1
Ehren the Lightsworn Monk x1
Lumina the Lightsworn Summoner x1
Ryko the Lightsworn Hunter x3
Super-Nimble Mega Hamster x2
Card Trooper x1
Necro Gardna x1
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x1
Plaguespreader Zombie x1
Honest x2
Solar Recharge x3
Charge of the Light Brigade x1
Foolish Burial x1
Heavy Storm x1
Cold Wave x1
Giant Turnade x1
Monster Reincarnation x2
Beakoning of Light x3
Judgement x2
Celestia the Lightsworn Angel x3
Wulf the Lightsworn Beast x3
Jain the Lightsworn Paladin x2
Garoth the Lightsworn Warrior x1
Lyla the Lightsworn Sorceress x2
Aurkus the Lightsworn Druid x1
Ehren the Lightsworn Monk x1
Lumina the Lightsworn Summoner x1
Ryko the Lightsworn Hunter x3
Super-Nimble Mega Hamster x2
Card Trooper x1
Necro Gardna x1
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x1
Plaguespreader Zombie x1
Honest x2
Solar Recharge x3
Charge of the Light Brigade x1
Foolish Burial x1
Heavy Storm x1
Cold Wave x1
Giant Turnade x1
Monster Reincarnation x2
Beakoning of Light x3
Friday, May 7, 2010
TURN 1: I won the dice roll so I started 1st. I openned hand with BOOK OF MOON, WAR CHARIOT, BESTIARI, PROOVING GROUND, TEST TIGER and DUST TORNADO. I summoned BESTIARI, set WAR CHARIOT and ended.
TURN 2: He discard DANDYLION to special summoned QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON in defense position. I responded with WAR CHARIOT to stop DANDYLION's effect. He then summoned LONEFIRE BLOSSOME, tributed LONEFIRE BLOSSOME to special summon another one, then special summoned TYTANNIAL, attacked over Bestiari. I was left with 6700 LP. He set a card on S/T zone and ended.
TURN 3: I drew HEAVY STORM and activated it, destroyed his set DIMENSION PRISON. I activated BOOK OF MOON to flip TYTANNIAL down, then activated PROOVING GROUND to search for SECUTOR. I special summoned TEST TIGER, tag in SECUTOR to tag out DARIUS, then activated DARIUS's effect to special summon BESTIARI from graveyard, contacted into GYZARUS to destroy his TYTANNIAL, direct attacked, dropped him down to 5600 HP, tag out EQUESTE and LAQUARI. I activated EQUESTE's effect to add WAR CHARIOT to my hand, set it and ended.
TURN 4: He activated MST to destroy my set WAR CHARIOT. He normal summoned DEBRIS DRAGON to special summon DANDYLION from graveyard. He synchro summoned BLACKROSE DRAGON to blow my field, he get 2 puff tokens, he set a card on S/T zone and ended.
TURN 5: I drew MURMILLO, summoned it and attacked over token, tagged out BESTIARI to destroy his set CALL OF THE HAUNTED. He chained it to special summon TYTANNIAL, tribute puff token to negate and destroy my BESTIARI. I set DUST TORNADO and ended.
TURN 5: He activated POT OF AVARICE to send BLACKROSE DRAGON, QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON, 2 LONEFIRE BLOSSOME and DEBRIS DRAGON to draw 2 cards. His TYTANNIAL launched direct attack and dropped me to 3900 LP, set a card on S/T zone and ended. I activated my set Dust Tornado to destroy his newly set SOLEMN JUDGEMENT.
TURN 6: I drew rescue cat, summoned it and tributed it to special summon TEST TIGER and SAMNITE from his deck. Tribute TEST TIGER to tag in SAMNITE and tag out MURMILLO. He tributed TYTANNIAL to nagate and destroy MURMILLO. I ended.
TURN 7: He set a monster and ended.
TURN 8: I drew WABOKU, set it and ended. RKYOPP
TURN 9: He flipped up his set monster, it was RKYO. RYKO destroyed my set WABOKU, sent POT of AVARIANCE, BOTTOMLESS TRAP HOLE and LADD into graveyard, and I chained it. He set a card on S/T zone and ended.
TURN 10: I drew LAQUARI, summoned it and attacked. he responded with his BOOK OF MOON to flip his RYKO down thus destroy my LAQUARI.
TURN 11: He discarded DANDYLION to special summon QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON, synchro summoned TURBO WARRIOR with his QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON and a puff token, attacked and drop my LP down to 1400.
TURN 12: I drew WAR CHARIOT and scooped.
TURN 1: He went 1st. He set a monster and ended.
TURN 2: I drew a MST and add it to my hand openned with RESCUE CAT, HOPLOMUS, MY BODY AS SHIELD, BOOK OF MOON, SMASHING GROUND. I summoned RESCUE CAT, tributed it and special summoned 2 SAMNITE, attacked over his faced-down RYKO. His RKYO destroyed another SAMNITE and sent SANGAN, DANDYLION, HEAVY STORM to graveyard, he get 2 puff tokens. I tagged out LAQUARI, set BOOK OF MOON and MY BODY AS SHIELD and ended.
TURN 3: He summned Debris dragon and I responded with BOOK OF MOON to flip it down. He set a card on S/T zone and ended.
TURN 4: I drew SECUTOR. I activated MST to destroy his set MIRROR FORCE, then summoned my SECUTOR. I attacked with LAQUARI and SECUTOR, destroyed his DEBRIS DRAGON and a puff token. Tagged in LAQUARI and tagged out Bestiari, contacted for GYZARUS, destroyed another puff token. I ended.
TURN 5: He discard NIGHT ASSASINATE to special summoned QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON, NIGHT ASSASINAE's effect allow him to get back his RYKO, then tributed his QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON to summon CAIUS, removed from play my GYZARUS, inflicted 1000 damage and direct attack for 2400 damage, dropped my LP to 4600.
TURN 6: I drew CALL OF THE HAUNTED. I activated SMASHING GROUND, destroyed CAIUS, summoned HOPLOMUS, direct attacked to drop him to 7200 LP. He drop GORZ, I tagged out Murmillo in attack position to destroy GORZ. I set CALL OF THE HAUNTED and ended.
TURN 7: He played POT OF AVARICE, send CAIUS, QUICKDRAW, DANDYLION, NIGHT ASSASINATE and DEBRIS DRAGON to draw 2 cards. He set a monster and turn his GORZ token to defense position and ended.
TURN 8: I drew SOLEMN JUDGEMENT. I activated CALL OF THE HAUNTED to special summon RESCUE CAT, tributed RESCUE CAT to special summon SAMNITE and TEST TIGER. I tribute TEST TIGER to tag in SAMNITE and tag out SECUTOR. I attacked over GORZ token with SECUTOR, special summoned BESTIARI and LAQUARI, contacted BESTIARI and SECUTOR for GYZARUS, destroyed his set RYKO. I set SOLEMN JUDGEMENT and ended.
TURN 9: He discard DANDYLION to special summoned QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON, synchro summoned Blackrose Dragon with QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON and 2 puff tokens. I respond with MY BODY AS SHIELD to negate and destroy BLACKROSE DRAGON, dropped myself to 3100 LP. He set a card on S/T zone and ended.
TURN 10: I drew waboku. I direct attacked with LAQUARI and GYZARUS, dropped him to 2700 LP. I tagged in LAQUARI to tag out BESTIARI, he responded with BOTTOMLESS TRAP HOLE, removed from play my BESTIARI, then I tagged in GYZARUS to tag out LAQUARI and DARIUS, I activated DARIUS's effect to special summon SAMNITE from graveyard, contacted 3 of my monster into HERAKLINOS. I ended.
TURN 11: He scooped.
TURN 2: He set a monster and set 3 cards to S/T zone. He ended.
TURN 3: I drew HEAVY STORM. I attacked his face-down MORPHING JAR with my LAQUARI, I chained my WAR CHARIOT to his MORPHING JAR. Tag out BESTIARI to destroy one of his backrow, it was BOTTOMLESS TRAP HOLE, he chained it and my BESTIARI was removed from play. I summoned DARIUS, set DUST TORNADO and ended.
TURN 4: He set a monster and ended. I activate my DUST TORNADO, destroyed his set STARLIGHT ROAD. If I activate heavy storm in turn 3, then I'll have to face STARDUST DRAGON.
TURN 5: I drew MY BODY AS SHIELD. I activated HEAVY STORM to destroy his set DIMENSION PRISON. I attacked over his set HAMSTER with my LAQUARI, he get to special summon his RYKO in face-down position. I tagged in LAQUARI to tag out EQUESTE, get back my WAR CHARIOT, set it and ended.
TURN 6: He flipped up his RYKO to destroy my EQUESTE, I chained my WAR CHARIOT to negate and destroy his RYKO. He then activated FOOLISH BURIAL to send his DANDYLION to graveyard and get 2 puff tokens. He then summoned DEBRIS DRAGON to special summon DANDYLION from graveyard. He synchro summoned STARDUST DRAGON with his DEBRIS DRAGON, DANDYLION and one of his puff tokens. His STARDUST DRAGON attacked over my EQUESTE, dropped me to 7100 LP. He ended with his field of 3 puff tokens and STARDUST DRAGON.
TURN 7: I drew GIANT TURNADE. I activated PROOVING GROUND to search for LAQUARI, summoned it and attacked over a puff token, tagged out MURMILLO to destroy STARDUST DRAGON. He activated STARDUST DRAGON's effect and I chained MY BODY AS SHILED to STARDUST DRAGON's effect. STARDUST was destroyed and I was left with 5600 LP. I set MIRROR FORCE and ended.
TURN 8: He set a monster and a card to S/T zone and ended.
TURN 9: I drew SECUTOR. I activated GIANT TURNADE to spin back his set card and my own MIRROR FORCE. My MURMILLO attacked over his puff token, tagged out EQUESTE to get back WAR CHARIOT, set it and ended.
TURN 10: He activated POT OF AVARICE, send RYKO, MORHING JAR, DEBRIS DRAGON, STARDUST DRAGON and HAMSTER back to his deck to draw 2 cards. He fliped up his RYKO to destroy my EQUESTE, I chained my WAR CHARIOT to his RYKO to destroy his RYKO. He tribted a puff tokens to summoned CAIUS, removed from play my EQUESTE. He direct attacked with CAIUS, I blocked his attack with MIRROR FORCE. He set a card on S/T zone and ended.
TURN 11: I drew WABOKU. I set SECUTOR and WABOKU. He activated DUST TORNADO to destroy my WABOKU. I ended.
TURN 12: He summoned LONEFIRE BLOSSOME, tributed it to special summoned another LONEFIRE BLOSSOME followed by TYTANNIAL, attacked over my SECUTOR. He set a card on S/T zone.
TURN 13: I drew SOLEMN JUDGEMENT, I set it and ended.
TURN 14: He dirrect attacked with TYTANNIAL, dropped me to 2800 LP and ended.
TURN 15: I drew TORRENTIAL TRIBUTE and scooped.
TURN 1: I won the dice roll so I started 1st. I openned hand with BOOK OF MOON, WAR CHARIOT, BESTIARI, PROOVING GROUND, TEST TIGER and DUST TORNADO. I summoned BESTIARI, set WAR CHARIOT and ended.
TURN 2: He discard DANDYLION to special summoned QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON in defense position. I responded with WAR CHARIOT to stop DANDYLION's effect. He then summoned LONEFIRE BLOSSOME, tributed LONEFIRE BLOSSOME to special summon another one, then special summoned TYTANNIAL, attacked over Bestiari. I was left with 6700 LP. He set a card on S/T zone and ended.
TURN 3: I drew HEAVY STORM and activated it, destroyed his set DIMENSION PRISON. I activated BOOK OF MOON to flip TYTANNIAL down, then activated PROOVING GROUND to search for SECUTOR. I special summoned TEST TIGER, tag in SECUTOR to tag out DARIUS, then activated DARIUS's effect to special summon BESTIARI from graveyard, contacted into GYZARUS to destroy his TYTANNIAL, direct attacked, dropped him down to 5600 HP, tag out EQUESTE and LAQUARI. I activated EQUESTE's effect to add WAR CHARIOT to my hand, set it and ended.
TURN 4: He activated MST to destroy my set WAR CHARIOT. He normal summoned DEBRIS DRAGON to special summon DANDYLION from graveyard. He synchro summoned BLACKROSE DRAGON to blow my field, he get 2 puff tokens, he set a card on S/T zone and ended.
TURN 5: I drew MURMILLO, summoned it and attacked over token, tagged out BESTIARI to destroy his set CALL OF THE HAUNTED. He chained it to special summon TYTANNIAL, tribute puff token to negate and destroy my BESTIARI. I set DUST TORNADO and ended.
TURN 5: He activated POT OF AVARICE to send BLACKROSE DRAGON, QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON, 2 LONEFIRE BLOSSOME and DEBRIS DRAGON to draw 2 cards. His TYTANNIAL launched direct attack and dropped me to 3900 LP, set a card on S/T zone and ended. I activated my set Dust Tornado to destroy his newly set SOLEMN JUDGEMENT.
TURN 6: I drew rescue cat, summoned it and tributed it to special summon TEST TIGER and SAMNITE from his deck. Tribute TEST TIGER to tag in SAMNITE and tag out MURMILLO. He tributed TYTANNIAL to nagate and destroy MURMILLO. I ended.
TURN 7: He set a monster and ended.
TURN 8: I drew WABOKU, set it and ended. RKYOPP
TURN 9: He flipped up his set monster, it was RKYO. RYKO destroyed my set WABOKU, sent POT of AVARIANCE, BOTTOMLESS TRAP HOLE and LADD into graveyard, and I chained it. He set a card on S/T zone and ended.
TURN 10: I drew LAQUARI, summoned it and attacked. he responded with his BOOK OF MOON to flip his RYKO down thus destroy my LAQUARI.
TURN 11: He discarded DANDYLION to special summon QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON, synchro summoned TURBO WARRIOR with his QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON and a puff token, attacked and drop my LP down to 1400.
TURN 12: I drew WAR CHARIOT and scooped.
TURN 1: He went 1st. He set a monster and ended.
TURN 2: I drew a MST and add it to my hand openned with RESCUE CAT, HOPLOMUS, MY BODY AS SHIELD, BOOK OF MOON, SMASHING GROUND. I summoned RESCUE CAT, tributed it and special summoned 2 SAMNITE, attacked over his faced-down RYKO. His RKYO destroyed another SAMNITE and sent SANGAN, DANDYLION, HEAVY STORM to graveyard, he get 2 puff tokens. I tagged out LAQUARI, set BOOK OF MOON and MY BODY AS SHIELD and ended.
TURN 3: He summned Debris dragon and I responded with BOOK OF MOON to flip it down. He set a card on S/T zone and ended.
TURN 4: I drew SECUTOR. I activated MST to destroy his set MIRROR FORCE, then summoned my SECUTOR. I attacked with LAQUARI and SECUTOR, destroyed his DEBRIS DRAGON and a puff token. Tagged in LAQUARI and tagged out Bestiari, contacted for GYZARUS, destroyed another puff token. I ended.
TURN 5: He discard NIGHT ASSASINATE to special summoned QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON, NIGHT ASSASINAE's effect allow him to get back his RYKO, then tributed his QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON to summon CAIUS, removed from play my GYZARUS, inflicted 1000 damage and direct attack for 2400 damage, dropped my LP to 4600.
TURN 6: I drew CALL OF THE HAUNTED. I activated SMASHING GROUND, destroyed CAIUS, summoned HOPLOMUS, direct attacked to drop him to 7200 LP. He drop GORZ, I tagged out Murmillo in attack position to destroy GORZ. I set CALL OF THE HAUNTED and ended.
TURN 7: He played POT OF AVARICE, send CAIUS, QUICKDRAW, DANDYLION, NIGHT ASSASINATE and DEBRIS DRAGON to draw 2 cards. He set a monster and turn his GORZ token to defense position and ended.
TURN 8: I drew SOLEMN JUDGEMENT. I activated CALL OF THE HAUNTED to special summon RESCUE CAT, tributed RESCUE CAT to special summon SAMNITE and TEST TIGER. I tribute TEST TIGER to tag in SAMNITE and tag out SECUTOR. I attacked over GORZ token with SECUTOR, special summoned BESTIARI and LAQUARI, contacted BESTIARI and SECUTOR for GYZARUS, destroyed his set RYKO. I set SOLEMN JUDGEMENT and ended.
TURN 9: He discard DANDYLION to special summoned QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON, synchro summoned Blackrose Dragon with QUICKDRAW SYNCHRON and 2 puff tokens. I respond with MY BODY AS SHIELD to negate and destroy BLACKROSE DRAGON, dropped myself to 3100 LP. He set a card on S/T zone and ended.
TURN 10: I drew waboku. I direct attacked with LAQUARI and GYZARUS, dropped him to 2700 LP. I tagged in LAQUARI to tag out BESTIARI, he responded with BOTTOMLESS TRAP HOLE, removed from play my BESTIARI, then I tagged in GYZARUS to tag out LAQUARI and DARIUS, I activated DARIUS's effect to special summon SAMNITE from graveyard, contacted 3 of my monster into HERAKLINOS. I ended.
TURN 11: He scooped.
TURN 2: He set a monster and set 3 cards to S/T zone. He ended.
TURN 3: I drew HEAVY STORM. I attacked his face-down MORPHING JAR with my LAQUARI, I chained my WAR CHARIOT to his MORPHING JAR. Tag out BESTIARI to destroy one of his backrow, it was BOTTOMLESS TRAP HOLE, he chained it and my BESTIARI was removed from play. I summoned DARIUS, set DUST TORNADO and ended.
TURN 4: He set a monster and ended. I activate my DUST TORNADO, destroyed his set STARLIGHT ROAD. If I activate heavy storm in turn 3, then I'll have to face STARDUST DRAGON.
TURN 5: I drew MY BODY AS SHIELD. I activated HEAVY STORM to destroy his set DIMENSION PRISON. I attacked over his set HAMSTER with my LAQUARI, he get to special summon his RYKO in face-down position. I tagged in LAQUARI to tag out EQUESTE, get back my WAR CHARIOT, set it and ended.
TURN 6: He flipped up his RYKO to destroy my EQUESTE, I chained my WAR CHARIOT to negate and destroy his RYKO. He then activated FOOLISH BURIAL to send his DANDYLION to graveyard and get 2 puff tokens. He then summoned DEBRIS DRAGON to special summon DANDYLION from graveyard. He synchro summoned STARDUST DRAGON with his DEBRIS DRAGON, DANDYLION and one of his puff tokens. His STARDUST DRAGON attacked over my EQUESTE, dropped me to 7100 LP. He ended with his field of 3 puff tokens and STARDUST DRAGON.
TURN 7: I drew GIANT TURNADE. I activated PROOVING GROUND to search for LAQUARI, summoned it and attacked over a puff token, tagged out MURMILLO to destroy STARDUST DRAGON. He activated STARDUST DRAGON's effect and I chained MY BODY AS SHILED to STARDUST DRAGON's effect. STARDUST was destroyed and I was left with 5600 LP. I set MIRROR FORCE and ended.
TURN 8: He set a monster and a card to S/T zone and ended.
TURN 9: I drew SECUTOR. I activated GIANT TURNADE to spin back his set card and my own MIRROR FORCE. My MURMILLO attacked over his puff token, tagged out EQUESTE to get back WAR CHARIOT, set it and ended.
TURN 10: He activated POT OF AVARICE, send RYKO, MORHING JAR, DEBRIS DRAGON, STARDUST DRAGON and HAMSTER back to his deck to draw 2 cards. He fliped up his RYKO to destroy my EQUESTE, I chained my WAR CHARIOT to his RYKO to destroy his RYKO. He tribted a puff tokens to summoned CAIUS, removed from play my EQUESTE. He direct attacked with CAIUS, I blocked his attack with MIRROR FORCE. He set a card on S/T zone and ended.
TURN 11: I drew WABOKU. I set SECUTOR and WABOKU. He activated DUST TORNADO to destroy my WABOKU. I ended.
TURN 12: He summoned LONEFIRE BLOSSOME, tributed it to special summoned another LONEFIRE BLOSSOME followed by TYTANNIAL, attacked over my SECUTOR. He set a card on S/T zone.
TURN 13: I drew SOLEMN JUDGEMENT, I set it and ended.
TURN 14: He dirrect attacked with TYTANNIAL, dropped me to 2800 LP and ended.
TURN 15: I drew TORRENTIAL TRIBUTE and scooped.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Well, today we'll discuss about side deck then. Side deck is VERY VERY IMPORTANT.
Sometime, a well side deck can win you game. Before constructing your side deck, you must understand the meta well. Example: if many players at your local run Blackwings, then your side deck should be built to against Blackwings deck. Lets look at some popular choices as side deck materials.
- Royal Oppression
- D.D. Crow
- Nobbleman of Crossout
- Deck Devastation Virus(only for Blackwings and Dragon)
- Royal Oppression
- Skill Drain(only for blackwing)
- Legendary Jujitsu Master
- Mirror of Oaths
- Dust Tornado
- Trap Hole
- Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer(against Vayu Turbo)
- D.D. Crow
- Nobbleman of Crossout
- Thunder King Rai-Oh
- Cyber Dragon(work best for Prisma Gbs)
- Pulling the Rug
- Thunder King Rai-Oh
- Cyber Dragon(work best for Prisma Gbs)
- Pulling the Rug
- System Down
Sometime, a well side deck can win you game. Before constructing your side deck, you must understand the meta well. Example: if many players at your local run Blackwings, then your side deck should be built to against Blackwings deck. Lets look at some popular choices as side deck materials.
- Royal Oppression
- D.D. Crow
- Nobbleman of Crossout
- Deck Devastation Virus(only for Blackwings and Dragon)
- Royal Oppression
- Skill Drain(only for blackwing)
- Legendary Jujitsu Master
- Mirror of Oaths
- Dust Tornado
- Trap Hole
- Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer(against Vayu Turbo)
- D.D. Crow
- Nobbleman of Crossout
- Thunder King Rai-Oh
- Cyber Dragon(work best for Prisma Gbs)
- Pulling the Rug
- Thunder King Rai-Oh
- Cyber Dragon(work best for Prisma Gbs)
- Pulling the Rug
- System Down
Monday, May 3, 2010
The 75th SHONEN JUMP Championship was over, the result is quite surprising. I'm like wow, out of my expectation. Quickdraw Plant won the 1st place, followed by Doomcaliber Knight as the 2nd place. I think I do not need to post top 16 deck list as their deck list can be searched by using the Internet. Gladiator Beasts did perform well, but looks like GB players prefer Prisma GBs over Cat GBs. Another surprise was all Gadget players who made it to the top ran 3 copies of each gadget in their deck. This appied to Machina Gadget. Blackwings had drooped in popularity, only 1 BW deck enter top 16. Gravekeeper also perform quite well as 1 Gk deck enter top 16. Although 1 SHONEN JUMP can't simply show how the meta goes, however it makes sense on the next SHONEN JUMP. The result will almost the same(personal opinion), just wait... Dandylion at 2 defines the format( copy and paste from pojo).
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