Well, we haven't seen a good control deck so far... Now it comes. Herald of Perfection, a ritual monster which act as a wall and negate every opponent's move. Herald of perfection is a great an balanced card as it is a Ritual Monster. No one will think a deck with random normal monster will be good. It's all because of 1 card, Herald of Perfection. Herald of Perfection has poor 1800 ATK, but a wall liked 2800 DEF which is almost unbreakable. Hence, most of the time Herald duelist not going to attack with Herald. But they have another big hitter, Archlord Kristia. Archlord Kristia ia a slightly overpowered boss. Easy summon condition, high ATk, gain advantage upon summon, and can lock your opponent down. Once Herald and Archlord Kristia both hit the field, it's game. Herald alone is not good enough to protect itself as opponent can just special summon something big to run over it, but Kristia special summon lock down ability that turn out into a full lock. Now you can't activate any effect and can't summon big monster... Herald has 2 variants, one utilising Advanced Art of Ritual, one using high monster count. While it has been proven that the 1st variant is better. Turn 1 Herald pretty consistent
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