Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Before reading this post, if you have any question about what deck should you build, read my previous post "BEST POSSIBLE DECK".
What is the purpose of deck building? It's to maximising your luck during duel. Remember, build deck to draw good card.
1. Always build your deck around 40 cards. This is to increase deck's consistency. A thinner deck will have higher chance to draw certain cards compare to a thicker deck.
2. Always get staple cards first. A card is considered as staple if it's used in almost every deck, especially meta deck.
Example of staple cards:
-Heavy Storm
-Mystical Space Typhoon
-Smashing Ground
-Book of Moon
-Mirror Force
-Torrential Tribute
-Bottomless Trap Hole
-Solemn Judgement
3. After that, get your semi-staple. A card is considered as semi-staple if it's used in many deck, but not everyone runs it. A semi-staple card is also a good side deck material.
Example of semi-staple cards:
-Lightning Vortex
-Enemy Controller
-My Body as Shield
-Dust Tornado
-Dimension Prison
-Starlight Road
-Trap Dustshot
-Royal Oppression
-Call of the Haunted
4. Then, get cards that support and work together with your cards based on your deck type. As an instance, if you run a Blackwing deck, get cards such as Black Whirl Wind, Allure of Darkness, Dark Armed Dragon and Icarus Attack.
5. Now, work on your extra deck. 15 cards is suggested(provided you have enough money). Extra deck may consist of synchro monster and fusion monster. Actually, extra deck also has its STAPLE.
Trishula, the Dragon of the Ice Boundary
Stardust Dragon
Blackrose Dragon
Goyo Guardian
Brionic, the Dragon of the Ice Boundary
AOJ Castator
Armory Arm
6. Finally, consider some card as your side deck. Purpose of side deck is to against other decks. Side deck materials often change every format. Your side deck should always based on meta. Example:
Against Blackwings - Trap hole, Thunder King Rai-oh
Against Machina Gadgets - Thunder King Rai-oh, Chimterach Fortress Dragon.
Against Flamevell cat - Nobleman of Crossout
Against Gladiator Beast - Legendary Juju Master, Royal Oppression
What is the purpose of deck building? It's to maximising your luck during duel. Remember, build deck to draw good card.
1. Always build your deck around 40 cards. This is to increase deck's consistency. A thinner deck will have higher chance to draw certain cards compare to a thicker deck.
2. Always get staple cards first. A card is considered as staple if it's used in almost every deck, especially meta deck.
Example of staple cards:
-Heavy Storm
-Mystical Space Typhoon
-Smashing Ground
-Book of Moon
-Mirror Force
-Torrential Tribute
-Bottomless Trap Hole
-Solemn Judgement
3. After that, get your semi-staple. A card is considered as semi-staple if it's used in many deck, but not everyone runs it. A semi-staple card is also a good side deck material.
Example of semi-staple cards:
-Lightning Vortex
-Enemy Controller
-My Body as Shield
-Dust Tornado
-Dimension Prison
-Starlight Road
-Trap Dustshot
-Royal Oppression
-Call of the Haunted
4. Then, get cards that support and work together with your cards based on your deck type. As an instance, if you run a Blackwing deck, get cards such as Black Whirl Wind, Allure of Darkness, Dark Armed Dragon and Icarus Attack.
5. Now, work on your extra deck. 15 cards is suggested(provided you have enough money). Extra deck may consist of synchro monster and fusion monster. Actually, extra deck also has its STAPLE.
Trishula, the Dragon of the Ice Boundary
Stardust Dragon
Blackrose Dragon
Goyo Guardian
Brionic, the Dragon of the Ice Boundary
AOJ Castator
Armory Arm
6. Finally, consider some card as your side deck. Purpose of side deck is to against other decks. Side deck materials often change every format. Your side deck should always based on meta. Example:
Against Blackwings - Trap hole, Thunder King Rai-oh
Against Machina Gadgets - Thunder King Rai-oh, Chimterach Fortress Dragon.
Against Flamevell cat - Nobleman of Crossout
Against Gladiator Beast - Legendary Juju Master, Royal Oppression
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Today, We 5S1 boys gang hung out for mountain climbing. I reached Richard's house at 6.45am(agak agak nia), then we go to fetch Tze Zhang, Wei Xuan and Choon Chiat. Then we reached To'Kun there at almost 7.20am. Yan Pin, Chee Wei and Ah Foo also reached there already. But we still din't see our "Dai Lou" yet... (Dai Lou here = Benny). That "Dai Lou" really din't know do people lo... Need to wait him for so long. I think maybe at 7.40am( agak again), he finally "snailed" come. Lol on him. But at least he came, so we start our mountain climbing.Benny Kor Kor act tank, he was singing while climbing. Just makan your stamina only... Maybe after 30 minutes or more, some people already tak boleh. They just sat there and couldn't continue climbing any more... Especially Tze Zhang, kept saying others noob but you also sampai sini saja... Another lol... So, we just let them rest for a while. They really rested for so long ar (30 minutes I think). Maybe after a while, we saw a rest house. MANY was very exited and ran towards there. Some of us decided to rest there. Richard, Benny, Choon Chait, Ah Foo, Yan Pin and Me countinue our way to the peak. The rest just normally and I'm lazy to type already... Some thing big happened when we sampai kaki bukit. Wah, Richard de car bo locked, mau cari mati kah? Luckily nothing happened, but Yan Pin is in trouble already... Some one stole his wallet and hand phone. He said that he do not take his hand phone and wallet with him and he left them in his car. That's why la... My kawan, jangan belajar from Yan Pin or you'll be the second. Now I think he already report to police and he also sakit kepala now. Maybe Yan Pin tak boleh jalan jalan for quite a long time cause his lisence hilang bersama dengan dia punya dompet... Sorry for rojak English...
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Quickdraw plant is a newly born deck. During March 2010 Banlist, Dandylion was semi-limited(before that it was limited). I thought it won't cause this much of impact but I was mistaken again. Maybe this is the fun aspect of the game itself, CREATIVITY. I like this deck because it a new deck (although it consists of old card), it is a new concept, and it prove to be good. The first time I saw Quickdraw Plant was last month, maybe it was the second or third week of March. Nobody(including me) believed that this deck can go so far. Regional result has proven that this deck is good, as good as other top tier decks such as Blackwings, Gladiator Beasts and Machina Gadgets.
3x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
2x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Super-Nimble Mega Hamster
2x Debris Dragon
2x Quickdraw Synchron
2x Lonefire Blossom
2x Dandylion
1x Light and Darkness Dragon
1x Tytannial, Princess of Camellias
1x Sangan
1x Card Trooper
1x Morphing Jar
1x Night Assailant
3x Pot of Avarice
2x Book of Moon
1x Brain Control
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Foolish Burial
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dust Tornado
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Starlight Road
Extra Deck:
3x Stardust Dragon
2x Iron Chain Dragon
2x Drill Warrior
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Nitro Warrior
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Junk Archer
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1x Turbo Warrior
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
RM200-RM300 without synchro
RM600-RM800 including synchro
Monday, April 19, 2010
Normal Trap Card
Activate only when an effect is activated that would destroy 2 or more cards you control. Negate the effect and destroy that card. Then, you can Special Summon 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your Extra Deck.
Rating: 3/5
This card is not a staple, but a semi-staple. This card doesn't change the format, but change the way how the game play. This card is not broken, but introduce the new level of skill to this game. This card is the counter to 3 cards which are commonly run - Heavy Storm, Torrential Tribute, Mirror Force. This card concept sounds broken. Negate card's effect with no cost and destroy that card, and you gain a Stardust Dragon - a 2500 beater which can negate another destruction. That means this card is +1 without any cost. However, this card can only be activated when your opponent activates a card's effect which can destroy at least 2 of your cards. Furthermore, this card SPECIAL SUMMON a stardust dragon from your extra deck, NOT SYNCHRO SUMMON. That's mean you can't special summon him form graveyard later even with his own effect. Hence, Stardust Dragon can only use his effect for one time, and can't be revived during your end phase. These 2 aspect make this card less broken. This card is hard to activate but when it goes off, it will be game breaking by itself. Besides that, this card can be a great counter for many deck. let's see...
Blackwings - Icarus Attack
Gladiator Beasts - Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
Lightsworns - Judgement Dragon and Celestia, the Lightsworn Angel
However, this card doesn't work so well against Blackwings because they main Royal Oppression. Royal Oppression can negate Starlight Road even you do not choose to special summon Stardust Dragon. Why I said that this card promotes more skill in this game? If you can see, before the introduction of Star Light Road, every one can't wait to play his heavy storm if their opponent has 2 or more set spell or trap card and laugh at their opponent. After the introduction of Star Light Road, every one play more conservatively. So, if you do not have any solution for a Stardust Dragon, don't do that until you can get around Stardust Dragon.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
It has been some time from 1 March. Now, it's clear that I've made some mistake in one of the article that I posted last month. Now, lets see again...
After the release of 702 DUELIST REVOLUTION, everything changes. It's because of a single card, just 1 card. What card has the impact like that? It's POT OF GREEDEROSITY. If you had no idea about that, just read my previous article. It's just owning. This card will make Blackwings better, if not the best. Blackwings can just forget about thier Blackwing Treasure, and pick up this card. Blackwings players can just make 2 rooms for this card and easily run 2 copies of this card. This card is just much more better than Blackwing Treasure because of the fact that this card will NEVER be DEAD DRAW, but Blackwing Treasure does. Another reason that Blackwings will be big is because they can run ROYAL OPPRESSION without causing many problems to them. Royal Oppression will help them to fight against any top tier deck such as Gladiator Beasts, Infernities and X-saber. Furthermore, this card can negate STARLIGHT ROAD. One of the big play of Blackwings is ICARUS ATTACK which can be negated by Starlight Road. However, if thier Icarus Attack is negated by Starlight Road, they are in troble since their opponents gain a Stardust Dragon. Fortunately, Royal Oppression can negate Stardust Road. Problem is solved then.
Status: TIER 1
Synchro Cat has fall in its popularity since the limitation of RESCUE CAT. However, the deck begins to rise up when Flamevells monster and REKINDLING are released. They make up the new variant of Synchro Cat, it's called FLAMEVELL CAT. Regional results have proven that it works, it really works. One of the big play of this deck is to use Flamevell Firedog to destroy opponent's monster, it follows by special summoning Flamevell Magician from deck, synchro for a Stardust Dragon. However, this deck tend to has big problem with its consistency. Drawing into bad opening hand will be sucks for the players. However, it's one of the deck which has VERY VERY high EXPLOSIVITY. Once its comboes go on, it can cause huge damage on opponents. Moreover, this deck can run 1 or 2 copies of POT OF GREEDEROSITY to increase its speed and consistency.
Status: TIER 1
They're big, really big. But not big enough to defeat Blackwings and Flamevells Cat. Without Pot of Greederosity, Infernities win. With Pot of Greederosity, Infernities lose. I'm not joking. Maybe you'll think how can a card make this much of changes? But it really can. Infernities are one of the deck that can't run Pot of Greederosity effectively. I highly recommend not to run even 1 copy of it. POT OF GREEDEROSITY = you can't win this turn. Infernities highly rely on swarming and synchro spam to win, this card just not suits them. Pot of Greederosity can highly increase the speed and consistency of the deck which runs it. Blackwings is gonna owning as it's the only tier 1 deck that can effectively runs this card.
Status: TIER 1
None of thier card is touched, but now it's clear that thier time has over. They're good, competitve and strong. But, they're not going to be an unstoppable force again just like they used to be. There're still some decks which are much more stroger than them. Blackwings are thier strongest match-up, and will continue to be. With Pot of Greederosity, Blackwings are harder to beat. Gladiator Beasts can't run Pot of Greederosity as they're not going to give up thier tag system just to use this card. However, to beat some tier 2 decks such as Monarchs, Final Countdown and Plant, Gladiator Beast are more than enough. War Chariot owns them all.
Status: TIER 1.5
SABER HOLE has brought this deck to the new level. Saber Hole brokeness is something like Gladiator Beast War Chariot can't compare. However, Gladiator Beast War Chariot has its advantage as it is searchable and recyclable. X-Sabers can gain control of the game with this card. The Shining Darkness has given them some good supports such as XX-Saber Emmersblade, XX-Saber Boggart Knight and XX-Saber Hyunlei which bring them up as a new force to be rockened with. Again, Pot of Greederosity is a nice addition to this deck. Running 2 copies won't hurt.
Status: TIER 1.5
Decks above are "top 5" which should gain some attention. Don't ask me why, regional results have proven them to be the "top 5".
After the release of 702 DUELIST REVOLUTION, everything changes. It's because of a single card, just 1 card. What card has the impact like that? It's POT OF GREEDEROSITY. If you had no idea about that, just read my previous article. It's just owning. This card will make Blackwings better, if not the best. Blackwings can just forget about thier Blackwing Treasure, and pick up this card. Blackwings players can just make 2 rooms for this card and easily run 2 copies of this card. This card is just much more better than Blackwing Treasure because of the fact that this card will NEVER be DEAD DRAW, but Blackwing Treasure does. Another reason that Blackwings will be big is because they can run ROYAL OPPRESSION without causing many problems to them. Royal Oppression will help them to fight against any top tier deck such as Gladiator Beasts, Infernities and X-saber. Furthermore, this card can negate STARLIGHT ROAD. One of the big play of Blackwings is ICARUS ATTACK which can be negated by Starlight Road. However, if thier Icarus Attack is negated by Starlight Road, they are in troble since their opponents gain a Stardust Dragon. Fortunately, Royal Oppression can negate Stardust Road. Problem is solved then.
Status: TIER 1
Synchro Cat has fall in its popularity since the limitation of RESCUE CAT. However, the deck begins to rise up when Flamevells monster and REKINDLING are released. They make up the new variant of Synchro Cat, it's called FLAMEVELL CAT. Regional results have proven that it works, it really works. One of the big play of this deck is to use Flamevell Firedog to destroy opponent's monster, it follows by special summoning Flamevell Magician from deck, synchro for a Stardust Dragon. However, this deck tend to has big problem with its consistency. Drawing into bad opening hand will be sucks for the players. However, it's one of the deck which has VERY VERY high EXPLOSIVITY. Once its comboes go on, it can cause huge damage on opponents. Moreover, this deck can run 1 or 2 copies of POT OF GREEDEROSITY to increase its speed and consistency.
Status: TIER 1
They're big, really big. But not big enough to defeat Blackwings and Flamevells Cat. Without Pot of Greederosity, Infernities win. With Pot of Greederosity, Infernities lose. I'm not joking. Maybe you'll think how can a card make this much of changes? But it really can. Infernities are one of the deck that can't run Pot of Greederosity effectively. I highly recommend not to run even 1 copy of it. POT OF GREEDEROSITY = you can't win this turn. Infernities highly rely on swarming and synchro spam to win, this card just not suits them. Pot of Greederosity can highly increase the speed and consistency of the deck which runs it. Blackwings is gonna owning as it's the only tier 1 deck that can effectively runs this card.
Status: TIER 1
None of thier card is touched, but now it's clear that thier time has over. They're good, competitve and strong. But, they're not going to be an unstoppable force again just like they used to be. There're still some decks which are much more stroger than them. Blackwings are thier strongest match-up, and will continue to be. With Pot of Greederosity, Blackwings are harder to beat. Gladiator Beasts can't run Pot of Greederosity as they're not going to give up thier tag system just to use this card. However, to beat some tier 2 decks such as Monarchs, Final Countdown and Plant, Gladiator Beast are more than enough. War Chariot owns them all.
Status: TIER 1.5
SABER HOLE has brought this deck to the new level. Saber Hole brokeness is something like Gladiator Beast War Chariot can't compare. However, Gladiator Beast War Chariot has its advantage as it is searchable and recyclable. X-Sabers can gain control of the game with this card. The Shining Darkness has given them some good supports such as XX-Saber Emmersblade, XX-Saber Boggart Knight and XX-Saber Hyunlei which bring them up as a new force to be rockened with. Again, Pot of Greederosity is a nice addition to this deck. Running 2 copies won't hurt.
Status: TIER 1.5
Decks above are "top 5" which should gain some attention. Don't ask me why, regional results have proven them to be the "top 5".
Friday, April 16, 2010
Yugioh is about card advantage, NOT LIFE POINT. You may have 10000 life point against 100 life point but still lose if you didn't have card advantage.
Example & Explanation:
Yusei has 2 cards in hand, 2 set cards in spell & trap zone and a face-up Stardust Dragon. How much card advantage he has?
Answer: 2+2+1 = 5
OK, well... I feel like teaching like a stupid teacher so... I'll use a simple way then. Card advantage means the total card that a player on his/her field or in his/her hand. Yugioh is about using the minimum resource to eliminate the maximum resource from a player's opponent. Yugioh is a complex game, a game that need brain, not a children's card game. However, having large card advantage doesn't ensure a player's victory. You may have 5 cards in your hand and 10 cards on your field but have no answer to a Judgement Dragon. In just 1 blow of Judgement Dragon, it cost -10 on you. That's why, many complain that Judgement Dragon should be banned. Fortunately, many of Lightsworns' card had been touched so that Judgement dragon won't come out that often.
Ok, Lets talk something about banlist. Broken cards should be banned to keep the game in control. However, what means by broken? Broken in most of the cases means the advantage that a player gains by playing a card is too much if compare to its cost that result in an unfair stituation. As an example: POT OF GREED - the most simplest and most powerful card in the game. As simple as 3 words - Draw 2 cards. However, it is the most broken card ever created. It gains you +1 for no cost. For anyone who still new to the game, see this:
Activate Pot of Greed, Pot of Greed is sent to graveyard and this reduces your hand size by 1 = -1
Draw 2 card, you gain 2 card advantage then = +2
So total = -1+2 = +1
However, card advantage can't solely represents the word "Broken". Some card such as Dark Magician of Chaos reduce player's card advantage, however still broken.
Tribute 2 monster to summoned Dark Magician of Chaos, player lose 2 monster on his/her field = -2
Player lose 1 card(Dark Magician of Chaos) in his/her hand = -1
Player gain 1 monster(Dark Magician of Chaos) on his/her field = +1
Due to Dark Magician of Chaos's effect, add 1 spell from graveyard to player's hand = +1
So, total = -2-1+1+1 = -1
However, some broken card such as Change of Heart will cause variable lost or gain of card advantage. If you just take control of opponent's monster, launch a direct attack, return that monster to him/her during end phase, that's -1. However, a good player won't do that. Below is an example that shows the most advantage a player can gain by using Change of Heart.
Play Change of Heart, Change of Heart is sent to graveyard = -1
Take control of a monster = +0 as you must return that monster back to your opponent during the end phase.
Take down a monster with that monster = +1
Possibility of using its effect = +0 or more than 0
Synchro with that monster = +0 (assume it cost you one of your own monster)
so total = -1+0+1+0+0 = 0 or more than 0 depends on that monster's effect. However, you gain a big monster by synchroning which may gain you more advantage next turn.
Further example of broken cards. One for one sounds balanced, but some of them are actually broken. Chainable one for one can result in one for two which can be broken. Such as your opponent use his/her heavy storm on your Ring of Destruction and you chain it and destroy 1 of your opponent's monster. This cause -1 on you but cause -2 on your opponent.
Ok, now lets talk about another topic then.
Example & Explanation:
Jack Atlas tributes one of his monster to summon Big Piece Golem. How much card advantage he loses?
Answer: He tributes 1 monster = -1
Example & Explanation:
Seto Kaiba fuses 3 of his Blue-Eyes White Dragon to summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
Answer: Fusion materials are 3 monsters = -3
Thing get more complex so I would like to explain. See below:
Kaiba actiavte Polimerisation, Polimerisation is sent to graveyard = -1
He sends 3 of his Blue-Eyes White Dragon to graveyard = -3
He gains a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon = +1
So, total = -1-3+1 = -3
However, this is only true for fusion summon using Polimerisation.
Some fusion summon such as Miracle Fusion and Overload Fusion are one for one. Future fusion even can gain a player +2 or even +3. I do like to seperate Contact Fusion from here as it's totally different story.
Example & Explanation:
Goay contact fusion Summon Gladiator Beast Heraklinos by using his Gladiator Beast Laquari and 2 of his "Gladiator Beast" monster.
Answer: Number of monster used as fusion material =3. Hence, -3+1 = -2
But, some contact fusion can gain a player huge advantage such as contact fusion summon of Gladiator Beast Gyzarus. See below:
Return 1 Gladiator Beast Bestiari and 1 Gladiator Beast monster to player's deck = -2
Gain Gladiator Beast Gyzarus = +1
Activate Gladiator Beast Gyzarus's effect, destroy 2 opponent's cards = +2
Attack and send Gladiator Beast Gyzarus into extra deck = -1
Tag out 2 more Gladiator Beast Monsters = +2
Activate 2 Gladiator Beast Monsters effect = +2(the most)
So, total = -2+1+2-1+2+2 = +4(maybe lesser) oh... broken again...
Example & Explanation
Yusei send 3 of his monster to graveyard to synchro summoned Stardust Dragon
Answer: The number of monster used as synchro material = 3. So -3+1 =-2
Example & Explanation:
Yusei has 2 cards in hand, 2 set cards in spell & trap zone and a face-up Stardust Dragon. How much card advantage he has?
Answer: 2+2+1 = 5
OK, well... I feel like teaching like a stupid teacher so... I'll use a simple way then. Card advantage means the total card that a player on his/her field or in his/her hand. Yugioh is about using the minimum resource to eliminate the maximum resource from a player's opponent. Yugioh is a complex game, a game that need brain, not a children's card game. However, having large card advantage doesn't ensure a player's victory. You may have 5 cards in your hand and 10 cards on your field but have no answer to a Judgement Dragon. In just 1 blow of Judgement Dragon, it cost -10 on you. That's why, many complain that Judgement Dragon should be banned. Fortunately, many of Lightsworns' card had been touched so that Judgement dragon won't come out that often.
Ok, Lets talk something about banlist. Broken cards should be banned to keep the game in control. However, what means by broken? Broken in most of the cases means the advantage that a player gains by playing a card is too much if compare to its cost that result in an unfair stituation. As an example: POT OF GREED - the most simplest and most powerful card in the game. As simple as 3 words - Draw 2 cards. However, it is the most broken card ever created. It gains you +1 for no cost. For anyone who still new to the game, see this:
Activate Pot of Greed, Pot of Greed is sent to graveyard and this reduces your hand size by 1 = -1
Draw 2 card, you gain 2 card advantage then = +2
So total = -1+2 = +1
However, card advantage can't solely represents the word "Broken". Some card such as Dark Magician of Chaos reduce player's card advantage, however still broken.
Tribute 2 monster to summoned Dark Magician of Chaos, player lose 2 monster on his/her field = -2
Player lose 1 card(Dark Magician of Chaos) in his/her hand = -1
Player gain 1 monster(Dark Magician of Chaos) on his/her field = +1
Due to Dark Magician of Chaos's effect, add 1 spell from graveyard to player's hand = +1
So, total = -2-1+1+1 = -1
However, some broken card such as Change of Heart will cause variable lost or gain of card advantage. If you just take control of opponent's monster, launch a direct attack, return that monster to him/her during end phase, that's -1. However, a good player won't do that. Below is an example that shows the most advantage a player can gain by using Change of Heart.
Play Change of Heart, Change of Heart is sent to graveyard = -1
Take control of a monster = +0 as you must return that monster back to your opponent during the end phase.
Take down a monster with that monster = +1
Possibility of using its effect = +0 or more than 0
Synchro with that monster = +0 (assume it cost you one of your own monster)
so total = -1+0+1+0+0 = 0 or more than 0 depends on that monster's effect. However, you gain a big monster by synchroning which may gain you more advantage next turn.
Further example of broken cards. One for one sounds balanced, but some of them are actually broken. Chainable one for one can result in one for two which can be broken. Such as your opponent use his/her heavy storm on your Ring of Destruction and you chain it and destroy 1 of your opponent's monster. This cause -1 on you but cause -2 on your opponent.
Ok, now lets talk about another topic then.
Example & Explanation:
Jack Atlas tributes one of his monster to summon Big Piece Golem. How much card advantage he loses?
Answer: He tributes 1 monster = -1
Example & Explanation:
Seto Kaiba fuses 3 of his Blue-Eyes White Dragon to summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
Answer: Fusion materials are 3 monsters = -3
Thing get more complex so I would like to explain. See below:
Kaiba actiavte Polimerisation, Polimerisation is sent to graveyard = -1
He sends 3 of his Blue-Eyes White Dragon to graveyard = -3
He gains a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon = +1
So, total = -1-3+1 = -3
However, this is only true for fusion summon using Polimerisation.
Some fusion summon such as Miracle Fusion and Overload Fusion are one for one. Future fusion even can gain a player +2 or even +3. I do like to seperate Contact Fusion from here as it's totally different story.
Example & Explanation:
Goay contact fusion Summon Gladiator Beast Heraklinos by using his Gladiator Beast Laquari and 2 of his "Gladiator Beast" monster.
Answer: Number of monster used as fusion material =3. Hence, -3+1 = -2
But, some contact fusion can gain a player huge advantage such as contact fusion summon of Gladiator Beast Gyzarus. See below:
Return 1 Gladiator Beast Bestiari and 1 Gladiator Beast monster to player's deck = -2
Gain Gladiator Beast Gyzarus = +1
Activate Gladiator Beast Gyzarus's effect, destroy 2 opponent's cards = +2
Attack and send Gladiator Beast Gyzarus into extra deck = -1
Tag out 2 more Gladiator Beast Monsters = +2
Activate 2 Gladiator Beast Monsters effect = +2(the most)
So, total = -2+1+2-1+2+2 = +4(maybe lesser) oh... broken again...
Example & Explanation
Yusei send 3 of his monster to graveyard to synchro summoned Stardust Dragon
Answer: The number of monster used as synchro material = 3. So -3+1 =-2
Pot of Greederosity [Super Rare]
Normal Magic Card
Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. Select 1 of them and add it to your hand, and return the rest to your deck. You can only activate 1 "Pot of Greederosity" per turn and you cannot Special Summon during the turn your activated this card.
Rating: 4/5
Let's Discuss this card. Oh... no. Damn broken. It's just like another graceful charity. The only different is you can't special summon if you activate this card. The 1st restriction makes no different as the chance of drawing 2 "Pot of Greederosity" is very low. What does this card offer? It thins up your deck by 1 and it provide choice. You can choose one of the 3 cards which you need it the most and add it to your hand. It provide more possibility. If you draw it 1st turn, it's kinda like you open hand with 8 cards. Wow, amazing! But, I highly doubt it will stay at 3 for a long time. It's too broken to be at 3. It's like a new staple, if not for every deck. Some decks that will greatly gain advantage from this card are Anti-meta, Final Countdown and Blackwing. Even some deck which special summon a lot still can run 1 or 2 copies as it's not going like special summon every turn. Anti-meta will be pushed up a tier with this card at 3. If you're an Anti-meta player and have brain, run 3( no exception). Anti-meta decks such as Gadget Oppression, Rock Stun and Little City will run 2 or 3 copies of Thunder King Rai-Oh. So, I've to remind you guys that this card's effect does not stack with Thunder King Rai-Oh. You can't activate this card if Thunder King Rai-oh is on your field. But, don't tell me Rai-Oh never dies. You understand what I mean? Looking at a good card like this makes me happy. Konami has finally make a really good card. It is a new staple to everyone unless you're a GBs player like me( which makes me sad). Gladiator Beast just can't run this card, not even 1 copy.
I quited yugi-oh when i was form 2 (2006) and just came back in 2008. I came back after watching 5D's. Synchro attracted me to this game again. So... I needed to learn from the basic again and try to keep up to the meta. That time, I wanted to build a gadget oppression as I'm pretty interested in anti-meta deck and i found that gadget oppression is good. Although until now I still haven't built it( actually I already build my Gladiator Beast), but I know how to play and build it well.
CONCEPT( if you weren't new to the game, you do not need to read through this)
ONE FOR ONE. Gadgets are floater that will always replace themselves when they are summoned. Their ability ensure continuous monster resource and always gain you +1 upon summoning. It is unwise to use monster removal on them. They also can't be bottomlessed as all of them has ATK below 1500.
I do believe that this is the best decklist. This may change depends on the meta or when new cards are released.
Tragodia x1
Thunder King Rai-Oh x3
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2
Breaker the Magical Warrior x2
DD Warrior Lady x2
Green Gadget x2
Red Gadget x2
Yellow Gadget x2
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo x2
Pot of Greederosity x3
Smashing Ground x2
Shrink x2
Book of Moon x2
Heavy Storm x1
Mst x1
Giant Turnade x1
Royal Oppression x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Dimension Prison x2
Mirror Force x1
Solemn Judgement x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Starlight Road x1
Trap dustshot x1
When March 2010 ban list came out, many said that gadget will be pushed up a tier because of umlimiting of Smashing Ground. Actually, they're wrong. Gadget Oppression loses 1 Royal Oppression and 2 Tragodia ( maybe 1 since many only run 2). Many go for another variant of Gadgets - Machina Gadgets. Although they share the same concept(one for one), however Machina Gadgets are meta deck while Gadgets Oppression
are anti-meta deck. They see the light when 702-DUELIST REVOLUTION pack is released.
One of the cards in Duekist Revolution is Pot of Greederosity. A really good card which will help Gadgets Oppression to compete.
DREV-JP062 Pot of Greederosity [Super Rare]
Normal Magic Card
Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. Select 1 of them and add it to your hand, and return the rest to your deck. You can only activate 1 "Pot of Greederosity" per turn and you cannot Special Summon during the turn your activated this card.
Now, you should knows this card quite well( except for its picture,sorry for that). It is like the new Graceful Charity, just not being a broken card as it is not highly abusable. Stopping you from special summoning does nothing to you as you won't do that. So why not run the maximum alowed copies of this card. It is too good to be used.
CONCEPT( if you weren't new to the game, you do not need to read through this)
ONE FOR ONE. Gadgets are floater that will always replace themselves when they are summoned. Their ability ensure continuous monster resource and always gain you +1 upon summoning. It is unwise to use monster removal on them. They also can't be bottomlessed as all of them has ATK below 1500.
I do believe that this is the best decklist. This may change depends on the meta or when new cards are released.
Tragodia x1
Thunder King Rai-Oh x3
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2
Breaker the Magical Warrior x2
DD Warrior Lady x2
Green Gadget x2
Red Gadget x2
Yellow Gadget x2
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo x2
Pot of Greederosity x3
Smashing Ground x2
Shrink x2
Book of Moon x2
Heavy Storm x1
Mst x1
Giant Turnade x1
Royal Oppression x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Dimension Prison x2
Mirror Force x1
Solemn Judgement x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Starlight Road x1
Trap dustshot x1
When March 2010 ban list came out, many said that gadget will be pushed up a tier because of umlimiting of Smashing Ground. Actually, they're wrong. Gadget Oppression loses 1 Royal Oppression and 2 Tragodia ( maybe 1 since many only run 2). Many go for another variant of Gadgets - Machina Gadgets. Although they share the same concept(one for one), however Machina Gadgets are meta deck while Gadgets Oppression
are anti-meta deck. They see the light when 702-DUELIST REVOLUTION pack is released.
One of the cards in Duekist Revolution is Pot of Greederosity. A really good card which will help Gadgets Oppression to compete.
DREV-JP062 Pot of Greederosity [Super Rare]
Normal Magic Card
Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. Select 1 of them and add it to your hand, and return the rest to your deck. You can only activate 1 "Pot of Greederosity" per turn and you cannot Special Summon during the turn your activated this card.
Now, you should knows this card quite well( except for its picture,sorry for that). It is like the new Graceful Charity, just not being a broken card as it is not highly abusable. Stopping you from special summoning does nothing to you as you won't do that. So why not run the maximum alowed copies of this card. It is too good to be used.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
-Monster- 18
3 Blackwing-Sirocco the Dawn
3 Blackwing-Shura the Blue Flame
3 Blackwing-Bora the Spear
3 Blackwing-Kalut the Moon Shadow
2 Blackwing-Blizzard the Far North
1 Blackwing-Gale the Whirlwind
2 Blackwing-Vayu the Emblem of Honor
1 Dark Armed Dragon
-Spell- 11
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mst
1 Giant Turnade
2 Black Whirlwind
3 Book of Moon
1 Brain Control
1 Smashing Ground
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Solemn Judgement
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Royal Oppression
3 Icarus Attack
Extra Deck(15)
Armory Arm x1
AOJ Castator x2
Brionic x1
Blackwing Armed Wing x2
Goyo Guardian x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Blackwing Armor Master x2
Stardust Dragon x2
Blackwing-Silverwind the Ascendant x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Trishula x1
-Monsters- 17
1 Elemental Hero Prisma
1 Rescue Cat
3 Test Tiger
1 Gladiator Beast Darius
2 Gladiator Beast Equeste
1 Gladiator Beast Hoplomus
2 Gladiator Beast Laquari
2 Gladiator Beast Samnite
1 Gladiator Beast Murmillo
1 Gladiator Beast Bestiari
1 Gladiator Beast Secutor
1 Gladiator Beast Retiari
-Spells- 11
3 Gladiator Proving Ground
3 Book of Moon
1 Smashing Ground
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Giant Trunade
1 My Body As A Shield
-Traps- 12
1 Solemn Judgment
3 Gladiator Beast War Chariot
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Mirror Force
2 Waboku
1 Dust Tornado
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Call of the Haunted
-Extra deck- 6
3 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
3 Gladiator Beast Heraklinos
-Monster- 16
3 Infernity Archfiend
3 Infernity Necromancer
3 Infernity Beetle
1 Infernity Reloader
2 Infernity Revenger
2 Infernity Mirage
2 Dark Grepher
-Spell- 10
3 Infernity Gun
1 Heavy storm
1 Mst
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Brain Control
1 Mind Control
1 Allure of Darkness
1 One for One
-Trap- 14
2 Dust Tornado
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Bottemless Trap Hole
1 Solemn Judgement
1 Call of the Haunted
2 Infernity Barrier
2 Raigeki Break
2 Starlight road
-Extra deck- 15
1 Armory Arm
2 AOJ Castator
1 Magical Android
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Brionic
1 X-saber Urbellum
1 Blackrose Dragon
3 Stardust Dragon
1 Infernity Death Dragon
3 Trishula
-Monster- 20
3 XX-Saber Faultroll
2 XX-Saber Boggart Knight
3 XX-Saber Emmersblade
3 X-Saber Airbellum
2 XX-Saber Fulhelmknight
1 XX-Saber Gardestrike
1 X-Saber Palomulo
2 XX-Saber Ragigura
1 Rescue Cat
2 Ryko, the Lightsworn Hunter
-Spell- 9
2 Saber Slash
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mst
1 Gaint Turnade
1 One for One
1 Brain Control
2 Book of Moon
1 Mind Control
-Trap- 11
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgement
2 Gottom's Emergency Call
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Torrential Tribute
3 Saber Hole
1 Dust Tornado
extra deck(15)
2 XX-Saber Gottoms
1 X-saber Urbellum
2 XX-Saber Hyunlei
1 X-saber Wayne
2 Stardust Dragon
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Naturia Balkion
1 AOJ Castator
1 Armory Arm
-Monster- 18
3 Blackwing-Sirocco the Dawn
3 Blackwing-Shura the Blue Flame
3 Blackwing-Bora the Spear
3 Blackwing-Kalut the Moon Shadow
2 Blackwing-Blizzard the Far North
1 Blackwing-Gale the Whirlwind
2 Blackwing-Vayu the Emblem of Honor
1 Dark Armed Dragon
-Spell- 11
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mst
1 Giant Turnade
2 Black Whirlwind
3 Book of Moon
1 Brain Control
1 Smashing Ground
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Solemn Judgement
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Royal Oppression
3 Icarus Attack
Extra Deck(15)
Armory Arm x1
AOJ Castator x2
Brionic x1
Blackwing Armed Wing x2
Goyo Guardian x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Blackwing Armor Master x2
Stardust Dragon x2
Blackwing-Silverwind the Ascendant x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Trishula x1
-Monsters- 17
1 Elemental Hero Prisma
1 Rescue Cat
3 Test Tiger
1 Gladiator Beast Darius
2 Gladiator Beast Equeste
1 Gladiator Beast Hoplomus
2 Gladiator Beast Laquari
2 Gladiator Beast Samnite
1 Gladiator Beast Murmillo
1 Gladiator Beast Bestiari
1 Gladiator Beast Secutor
1 Gladiator Beast Retiari
-Spells- 11
3 Gladiator Proving Ground
3 Book of Moon
1 Smashing Ground
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Giant Trunade
1 My Body As A Shield
-Traps- 12
1 Solemn Judgment
3 Gladiator Beast War Chariot
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Mirror Force
2 Waboku
1 Dust Tornado
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Call of the Haunted
-Extra deck- 6
3 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
3 Gladiator Beast Heraklinos
-Monster- 16
3 Infernity Archfiend
3 Infernity Necromancer
3 Infernity Beetle
1 Infernity Reloader
2 Infernity Revenger
2 Infernity Mirage
2 Dark Grepher
-Spell- 10
3 Infernity Gun
1 Heavy storm
1 Mst
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Brain Control
1 Mind Control
1 Allure of Darkness
1 One for One
-Trap- 14
2 Dust Tornado
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Bottemless Trap Hole
1 Solemn Judgement
1 Call of the Haunted
2 Infernity Barrier
2 Raigeki Break
2 Starlight road
-Extra deck- 15
1 Armory Arm
2 AOJ Castator
1 Magical Android
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Brionic
1 X-saber Urbellum
1 Blackrose Dragon
3 Stardust Dragon
1 Infernity Death Dragon
3 Trishula
-Monster- 20
3 XX-Saber Faultroll
2 XX-Saber Boggart Knight
3 XX-Saber Emmersblade
3 X-Saber Airbellum
2 XX-Saber Fulhelmknight
1 XX-Saber Gardestrike
1 X-Saber Palomulo
2 XX-Saber Ragigura
1 Rescue Cat
2 Ryko, the Lightsworn Hunter
-Spell- 9
2 Saber Slash
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mst
1 Gaint Turnade
1 One for One
1 Brain Control
2 Book of Moon
1 Mind Control
-Trap- 11
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgement
2 Gottom's Emergency Call
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Torrential Tribute
3 Saber Hole
1 Dust Tornado
extra deck(15)
2 XX-Saber Gottoms
1 X-saber Urbellum
2 XX-Saber Hyunlei
1 X-saber Wayne
2 Stardust Dragon
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Naturia Balkion
1 AOJ Castator
1 Armory Arm
Friday, April 9, 2010
Well, every duelist has different play style. There are 3 main play styles: DEFENSIVE, SEMI-AGGRESSIVE and AGGRESSIVE. Let's discuss one by one then.
This kind of duelist will be scared by a single set card. What's in their mind? Is this card Mirror Force? Or... something else? This is a damn big weakness of a duelist. They play too defensively. They afraid to lose their life point, their monster and their field advantage. This often result in failure. Meta deck just don't suit them. However, there are some decks that can bring out their maximum potential. They can be a good control player or decks that use alternative win condition.
I)Final Countdown
This deck does not need to be aggressive. Just defend for 20 turns, victory is yours.
Turn card advantage to turn advantage, this is the main strategy of this deck.
II) Gadget Oppression
Gadgets are monster that will always give you +1 upon being summoned. It's no need to cry if your gadget dies as he has done his job. One for One removal is the main strategy of this deck.
III)Macro Cosmos
DD Survivor is immortal when you have Macro Cosmos or Dimension Fissure faced-up. So why worry about him? Just attack.
This kind of players will take any risk into consideration before making their play.They attack to force their opponent to activate set card. They seldom make misplay if compared to aggressive player. However, sometime they'll lose their chance to defeat their opponent. They'll always think what if they don't win? So they are good in conserving resource. They won't waste all their resource in a single turn unless they're sure about their victory. This kind of players have variety of deck to use. They are suitable to use aggro-control deck and most meta-deck. Their decks normally have very high consistency and average explosivity.
I)Gladiator Beast
I'm a semi-aggressive player and I'm running Gladiator Beast. Gladiator Beast force your opponent to stop their attack.
II)Little City
Another version of anti-meta, just more aggressive than gadget oppression
IV)Machina Gadget
This deck almost never run out of resourse.
This kind of duelist will probably make some misplay because they normally too rush for victory. If thier plan fails, probably they'll lose because thay can't recover from that. However, they have some potential which can be bring out to the maximum if use the right deck.
II)Flamevell Cat
III)Prisma Gladiator Beasts
V)Six Samurai
CONCLUSION: If you haven't built your deck, lets find out what is your playstyle and your personality as a duelist. Then build your deck base on your playstyle.Remember: NO DECK IS PERFECT, IT DEPENDS ON YOU. IF YOU WERE PERFECT, SO WAS YOUR DECK.
This kind of duelist will be scared by a single set card. What's in their mind? Is this card Mirror Force? Or... something else? This is a damn big weakness of a duelist. They play too defensively. They afraid to lose their life point, their monster and their field advantage. This often result in failure. Meta deck just don't suit them. However, there are some decks that can bring out their maximum potential. They can be a good control player or decks that use alternative win condition.
I)Final Countdown
This deck does not need to be aggressive. Just defend for 20 turns, victory is yours.
Turn card advantage to turn advantage, this is the main strategy of this deck.
II) Gadget Oppression
Gadgets are monster that will always give you +1 upon being summoned. It's no need to cry if your gadget dies as he has done his job. One for One removal is the main strategy of this deck.
III)Macro Cosmos
DD Survivor is immortal when you have Macro Cosmos or Dimension Fissure faced-up. So why worry about him? Just attack.
This kind of players will take any risk into consideration before making their play.They attack to force their opponent to activate set card. They seldom make misplay if compared to aggressive player. However, sometime they'll lose their chance to defeat their opponent. They'll always think what if they don't win? So they are good in conserving resource. They won't waste all their resource in a single turn unless they're sure about their victory. This kind of players have variety of deck to use. They are suitable to use aggro-control deck and most meta-deck. Their decks normally have very high consistency and average explosivity.
I)Gladiator Beast
I'm a semi-aggressive player and I'm running Gladiator Beast. Gladiator Beast force your opponent to stop their attack.
II)Little City
Another version of anti-meta, just more aggressive than gadget oppression
IV)Machina Gadget
This deck almost never run out of resourse.
This kind of duelist will probably make some misplay because they normally too rush for victory. If thier plan fails, probably they'll lose because thay can't recover from that. However, they have some potential which can be bring out to the maximum if use the right deck.
II)Flamevell Cat
III)Prisma Gladiator Beasts
V)Six Samurai
CONCLUSION: If you haven't built your deck, lets find out what is your playstyle and your personality as a duelist. Then build your deck base on your playstyle.Remember: NO DECK IS PERFECT, IT DEPENDS ON YOU. IF YOU WERE PERFECT, SO WAS YOUR DECK.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Machina Gearframe x3
Machina Fortress x3
Machina Peacekeeper x1
Green Gadget x2
Red Gadget x2
Yellow Gadget x2
Ancient Gear golem x3
Ancient Gear gadjiltron dragon x3
Card trooper x1
Trade-in x3
Pot of Avariance x2
Limital Removal x1
Heavy Storm x1
Giant Turnade x1
Mst x1
Smashing Ground x2
Book of Moon x2
Ancient Gear Workshop x1
Solemn Judgement x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Torrential Tribute x1
Mirror Force x1
Dust Tornado x1
Why run Ancient Gear monster?
All Ancient Gear monster in this deck are level 8. 6 level 8 monster with 3 Trade in,3 Machina Gearframe and 3 Machina Fortress ensure that Ancient Gears in your hand won't be dead. Ancient Gear Workshop is another nice addition to this deck as you can get Ancient Gears back to hand as discard folder for Trade-in and Machina Fortress.
Why run Pot of Avariance?
This deck has fast speed to send large amount of monster to graveyard then use Pot of Avariance to recycle these monster to be used again. In long run, 6 level 8 mosters are clearly not enough to support 3 Trade-in and 3 Machina Fortress. Pot of Avariance solve this problem. Besides that, it also helps to recycle Gadget so that Gadgets in your hand won't be dead.
Why not to run Scrap Recycler?
You'll find that if you run him, you'll have hard time using Pot of Avariance. Although it may helps to send Machina Fortress to graveyard, but this deck just have enough draw power to search out Machina Gearframe in fast speed.
Should I run Card Trooper?
It is somehow personal preference. But for me, YES. It is a decent beater, helps to dump Machina Fortress, support Pot of Avariance. Moreover, you get to draw a card when he dies.
Should I run Machina Force?
The only dead card in this deck. The only use of this card is as discard folder for Machina Fortress. The only reason to run him is its searchability. Running 1 copy still good to the deck.
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