Pot of Greederosity [Super Rare]
Normal Magic Card
Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. Select 1 of them and add it to your hand, and return the rest to your deck. You can only activate 1 "Pot of Greederosity" per turn and you cannot Special Summon during the turn your activated this card.
Rating: 4/5
Let's Discuss this card. Oh... no. Damn broken. It's just like another graceful charity. The only different is you can't special summon if you activate this card. The 1st restriction makes no different as the chance of drawing 2 "Pot of Greederosity" is very low. What does this card offer? It thins up your deck by 1 and it provide choice. You can choose one of the 3 cards which you need it the most and add it to your hand. It provide more possibility. If you draw it 1st turn, it's kinda like you open hand with 8 cards. Wow, amazing! But, I highly doubt it will stay at 3 for a long time. It's too broken to be at 3. It's like a new staple, if not for every deck. Some decks that will greatly gain advantage from this card are Anti-meta, Final Countdown and Blackwing. Even some deck which special summon a lot still can run 1 or 2 copies as it's not going like special summon every turn. Anti-meta will be pushed up a tier with this card at 3. If you're an Anti-meta player and have brain, run 3( no exception). Anti-meta decks such as Gadget Oppression, Rock Stun and Little City will run 2 or 3 copies of Thunder King Rai-Oh. So, I've to remind you guys that this card's effect does not stack with Thunder King Rai-Oh. You can't activate this card if Thunder King Rai-oh is on your field. But, don't tell me Rai-Oh never dies. You understand what I mean? Looking at a good card like this makes me happy. Konami has finally make a really good card. It is a new staple to everyone unless you're a GBs player like me( which makes me sad). Gladiator Beast just can't run this card, not even 1 copy.
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