Machina Gearframe x3
Machina Fortress x3
Machina Peacekeeper x1
Green Gadget x2
Red Gadget x2
Yellow Gadget x2
Ancient Gear golem x3
Ancient Gear gadjiltron dragon x3
Card trooper x1
Trade-in x3
Pot of Avariance x2
Limital Removal x1
Heavy Storm x1
Giant Turnade x1
Mst x1
Smashing Ground x2
Book of Moon x2
Ancient Gear Workshop x1
Solemn Judgement x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Torrential Tribute x1
Mirror Force x1
Dust Tornado x1
Why run Ancient Gear monster?
All Ancient Gear monster in this deck are level 8. 6 level 8 monster with 3 Trade in,3 Machina Gearframe and 3 Machina Fortress ensure that Ancient Gears in your hand won't be dead. Ancient Gear Workshop is another nice addition to this deck as you can get Ancient Gears back to hand as discard folder for Trade-in and Machina Fortress.
Why run Pot of Avariance?
This deck has fast speed to send large amount of monster to graveyard then use Pot of Avariance to recycle these monster to be used again. In long run, 6 level 8 mosters are clearly not enough to support 3 Trade-in and 3 Machina Fortress. Pot of Avariance solve this problem. Besides that, it also helps to recycle Gadget so that Gadgets in your hand won't be dead.
Why not to run Scrap Recycler?
You'll find that if you run him, you'll have hard time using Pot of Avariance. Although it may helps to send Machina Fortress to graveyard, but this deck just have enough draw power to search out Machina Gearframe in fast speed.
Should I run Card Trooper?
It is somehow personal preference. But for me, YES. It is a decent beater, helps to dump Machina Fortress, support Pot of Avariance. Moreover, you get to draw a card when he dies.
Should I run Machina Force?
The only dead card in this deck. The only use of this card is as discard folder for Machina Fortress. The only reason to run him is its searchability. Running 1 copy still good to the deck.