Thursday, August 28, 2014


3x Shaddoll Beast
2x Shaddoll Squamata
2x Shaddoll Dragon
3x Shaddoll Hedgehog
2x Shaddoll Falco
3x White Dragon Wyverburster
2x Black Dragon Collapserpent
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
1x Felice Lightsworn Archer
3x Mathematician

3x Shaddoll Fusion
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Book of Moon
1x Foolish Burial
1x Soul Charge

3x Sinister Shadow Games
1x Shaddoll Core 
2x Breakthrough Skill
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Solemn Warning

3x El Shaddoll Construct
3x El Shaddoll Winda
1x Armades, Keeper of Boundaries
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Arcanite Magician
1x Leo, Keeper of the Sacred Tree
1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer 
1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1x Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
1x Number 106: Giant Hand

Monday, August 25, 2014


I wrote about Evilswarm in my past post, which is shown below:

However, Evilswarm would have to adapt in order to survive. The question is, how would we adapt? Forbidden Dress would be replaced by Forbidden Chalice simply because it can get around all kind of flip effect as well as El Shaddoll Winda. Unlike other effect negation cards, Forbidden Chalice can be activated during damage step, meaning that it can stop the flip effect even if you attack into a face-down monster. This alone makes this card better than other effect negation cards. Evilswarm don't really fear El Shaddoll Winda because we usually don't rely on special summon to swarm the field. Evilswarm Castor and Evilswarm Kerykeion both give us an additional normal summon. However, our Rescue Rabbit and Evilswarm Mandragora are both being shut down by El Shaddoll Winda since we can't Xyz summon after we use the effect of these monsters. Forbidden Chalice as a quick play spell, enable us to shut down El Shaddoll Winda's effect and make play right away.

Evilswarm Ophion can shut down Shaddoll Fusion. However, Evilswarm Ophion is not an auto win since shaddoll has many outs to him. Protecting Evilswarm Ophion is important and can be determining point between winning and losing. Both Shaddoll Dragon and Shaddoll Lizard can kill Evilswarm Ophion with their flip effects. In addition, Black Dragon Collapserpent and White Dragon Wyverburster are popular main deck card in shaddoll deck. These card enable shaddoll players to spam rank 4 to get rid of our Ophion. Forbidden Chalice can deal with these problems quite effectively.

I have make some small changes to the deck list:


3 Evilswarm Castor
3 Evilswarm Heliotrope
3 Evilswarm Mandragora
3 Evilswarm Kerykeion
3 Evilswarm Thunderbird
1 Rescue Rabbit

3 Infestation Pandemic
3 Mythical Space Typhoon
2 Forbidden Chalice
2 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole

3 Fiendlish Chain
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Vanity Emptiness
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Infestation Infection
1 Solemn Warning
1 Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck(15)
3 Evilswarm Ophion
2 Evilswarm Excition Knight
1 Evilswarm Bahamut
1 Evilswarm Ouroboros

1 Castel the Skyblaster Musketeer
2 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Gagaga Cowboy
1 Number 103: Ragnazero
1 Number 66: Master Key Beetle
1 Number 82: Heartandraco

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Versatility of Evilswarm (2014)

Evilswarm is a control deck with stun option against certain decks. When Evilswarm is not played as a stun deck, it can be played as a rank 4 toolbox or a beatdown deck.  

For me, I don't like meta decks that much, hence I must find a way to deal with them or I will suffer a lot of losses. Dueling became more and more challenging over time. Meta decks constantly evolve and become much harder to side against. For example, Hand Artifact Traptrix of today is much harder to side against compared to Lightsworn of 2010. Most of the meta decks of today are versatile, means that they won't auto-lose to side deck any more. The XYZ monsters obviously changed the game. In the past, you can't get rid of Macro Cosmos unless you draw a MST, now you can get around that just by summoning 2 monsters with the same level. Even worse, some of the side deck cards may hurt you as well, just not as much as it would hurt your opponent. Hence, it is very important for me to have a versatile deck, so that I can adapt to the meta without changing my main deck.

Evilswarm is my choice. This is because it is one of the most versatile deck. Basically, most of the meta decks are highly dependent on:
1) Special summon
2) Graveyard
3) Searching
Evilswarm is still helped by these, but if compared to the meta decks, it is a non factor. This makes Evilswarm harder to side against. All of the Evilswarm main deck monsters can be normal summon, and have respectable ATK in today's standard. Meaning that, Evilswarm can still do things even without special summon. Special mention to Evilswarm Thunderbird, as it is very hard to get rid of. Sometimes, Thunderbird alone can apply enough pressure to my opponent and force them to waste cards on him. Evilswarm do not care about their graveyard as much as other decks do. Evilswarm Kerykeion is the only card that utilize the graveyard. As we all know, Kerykeion is the best monster in the deck as its effect is basically one card XYZ. For me, other monsters in the deck are good standalone monsters too, just not as good as Thunderbird and Kerykeion.

However, the main reason why this deck is so good is because of its boss monster, Evilswarm Ophion. This card searches Infestation Pandemic which protects all Evilswarm monsters from S/T for a turn. This is why he is so hard to get rid of. Also, he single-handedly shut down Artifacts and Dragon Rulers and other high level monsters. In the past Dragon Ruler format, Evilswarm gained its place in the meta because of this card. Due to Evilswarm Castor, this card can be summoned in first turn, and lock down your opponent. He has respectable 2550 ATK for an easily summonable monster. In the future, I believe he will be a great card since he can also shut down Qliphoth.

Get rid of the mind set that Evilswarm is an Ophion deck only. This deck is more than just Ophion. This deck can function as a rank 4 toolbox or a beat down deck. When I play against decks that don't special summon high level monster such as Fire Fist, Ophion can become a huge beat stick since he is protected by Pandemic. In such match-up, summoning Ophion is no longer priority, but he is still useful in this situation. Evilswarm Excition Knight is also another great boss monster for this deck. Although every rank 4 decks can use him, pandemic might makes a different since he is also protected by pandemic.

Back to the topic, why is Evilswarm my deck choice? It is because they are highly adaptable. It is no longer the top deck, however it still survive every format and adapt to the meta. This is because the deck is not a combo deck. A combo deck need to maximize its consistency, hence siding is often not as beneficial because it lowers the consistency of the deck. Evilswarm has no such problem. Also, Evilswarm can utilize Vanity Emptiness very well to lock down the opponent. Evilswarm can also main or side float gate cards like Macro Cosmos and Dimensional Fissure without difficulties. Besides that, as most control decks do, Evilswarm has the ability to run hugh amount of back row. Unlike Dragon Rulers which can't run trap effectively, this is a huge advantage. And that is the reason why we don't describe dragon ruler as adaptable.


3 Evilswarm Castor
3 Evilswarm Heliotrope
3 Evilswarm Mandragora
3 Evilswarm Kerykeion
3 Evilswarm Thunderbird
1 Rescue Rabbit

3 Infestation Pandemic
3 Mythical Space Typhoon
2 Forbidden Dress
2 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole

3 Fiendlish Chain
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Vanity Emptiness
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Infestation Infection
1 Solemn Warning
1 Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck(15)
3 Evilswarm Ophion
2 Evilswarm Excition Knight
1 Evilswarm Bahamut
1 Evilswarm Ouroboros
2 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Gagaga Cowboy
1 Number 103: Ragnazero
1 Number 106: Giant Hand
1 Number 66: Master Key Beetle
1 Number 82: Heartandraco


Forbidden Dress VS Black Horn of Heaven
I fell that Forbidden Dress is a better choice here simply because it is a good card in most of the match up. When I play against deck like Geargia, although not as usefull, Dress can still act as an ATK modifier. Evilswarm has good match up against Lightsworn Ruler as Ophion just shut down most of their cards. However, a random Lightsworn Ryko can still blow up the Ophion. If my Ophion attacks a face-down Ryko, Dress can safe my Ophion. However, be reminded that Ryko can choose another target (if any) that is not protected by Dress. I do not care that much as long as I can protect my Ophion when I play against Lightsworn Ruler. Dress can still protect Ophion when he attacks into random flip effect monster such as Penguin Soilder but it will not protect the Ophion when the Penguin Soilder is flip summoned. Against Mermail, Dress also protect Ophion from Atlantean Heavy Infrantry. In the Fire Fist match up, Dress is also extremely good since it protect Evilswarm monsters from Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear and leaves Ophion at 1950 ATK which is still bigger than most of the Fire Fist monsters. Black Horn of Heaven is just Bad against Shadoll since it can't stop fusion summon. Besides that, Dress is a very good card against Shadoll Dragon and Shadoll Lizard. For the HATE match up, although Ophion can shut down the artifacts, we still need Dress against Fire Hand. Hence, running Dress is probably a better choice. One extra tips I would like to share, you can activate Dress and target your Ophion when they summon their Number 101. If you do, your opponent can't target Ophion with Number 101. But, your Ophion's ATK will drop down to 1950 which is lower than 2100 of Number 101.


We are both good and bad against them. The good thing is Ophion can shut down the Artifact monsters, the bad thing is both the Hand and Traptrix engines are generally big problems. My win rate against HATE is about 40%, certainly not impressive. Ophion is far away from auto win in this match up, since it can be easily destroyed by a Fire Hand. Even cards like Traptrix Dionaea can give me some trouble in this match up. Evilswarm Thunderbird is amazing in this match up, you can force them to waste their resource to get rid of your Thunderbird. Based on my personal experiences, Dimensional Prison and Forbidden Dress is good in this match up since both of them help me to deal with Hand monsters. I usually will not try to attack a set monster unless I have a Forbidden Dress since the set monster is Fire Hand most of the time.

I have only about 40% win rate against Geargia. In this match up, Black Horn of Heaven is a much better card than Forbidden Dress and you should side out the Dress. I can't write much here since my experience against this deck is quite lacking.

Ophion can shut down their level 7 monsters, but they have many ways to get rid of Ophion. If possible, spare your Mystical Space Typhoon(MST) for their Abyss-sphere. Do not blind MST since if you hit their Abyss-sphere, they can just chain it. They use Atlantean Heavy Infrantry to get rid of your Ophion, and they do it easily. Hence, it is a good idea to have a Forbidden Dress set. You should also watch out for their Rank 4 play since they can do it quite frequently. Try to side in some graveyard hate cards such as Dimensional Fissure and Macro Cosmos. Vanity Emptiness can also lock them down since they rely heavily on special summoning. Remember not to chain Dress to the effect of Number 101, it will be too late. You must activate the Dress when they xyz summon Number 101.

One of the best match up, Ophion alone shut down the deck. I have around 70% win rate against this deck. The possible ways for them to get rid of Ophion are Lightsworn Ryko, Honest and Rank 4 XYZs. If you play smart, you should probably have Dress when you attack a face down monster to get around Ryko effect. You should also attack an attack position monster with your less important monster to avoid Honest. I do not worry about their back row since Lightsworn Ruler deck run low amount of traps. Vanity Emptiness is godly in this match up. I can chain Vanity Emptiness to their play such as Lightsworn Lumina, Soul Charge or Lightsworn Wulf which I can stop them from special summoning any monster. I can also flip up my Vanity Emptiness when they manage to have 2 level 4 monsters to stop them from summoning a XYZ monster. However, do watch out for Royal Decree since they will probably side in this card in game 2 and game 3. Pure Lightsworn is slightly more troublesome, but at least they can't drop Judgement Dragon on me easily.

This match up is quite easy. Spare your MST for their Tenki, with that I stop the search and I also get rid of a Bear's food. I try to use my back row wisely to stop their play. I tend to have advantage in back row game with Evilswarm OphionInfestation Pandemic and Evilswarm Thunderbird. Forbidden Dress is extremely good in this match up since it protect my monster from Bear's effect. If I use Dress on my Ophion, Ophion still has 1950 ATK which they can't beat without using a XYZ monster. This match up used to be hard, it became easy since Coach Soldier Wolfbark was limited.

Hard match up, but not unwinable. I just rely on small good plays instead on Ophion. Numbers 103: Ragna Zero is good in this match-up since they usually have a face-up Fire Formation - Tenki. Since her effect is a quick effect, you can get ride of 2 Bujingi cards with her effect.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


1. Most of the top heroes will remain their status during the main event.

2. Skywrath Mage will experience fall in popularity due to being much higher valued by the western teams than the eastern teams. With the fall of western team, this hero will not be 1st pick material. Also, the hero itself is a bit risky and provide no lock down to the team.

3. Razor will experience fall in popularity due to having low win rate of 38.2% despite being the most picked hero. Team will now try to think twice before picking him. He will remain top pick material, but will not be picked too early in the draft.

4. Same as Skywrath Mage, Wraith King will no longer be popular because most of the western teams were eliminated.

5. Death Prophet will rise in popularity compared to group stage, but not in a huge way.

6. Shadow Shaman will replace Skywrath Mage to be the most contested support.

7. Io will be completely fall off, and will only be picked up by a few teams.

8. Earth Shaker will be picked more. He is a great pick for the "long range sniper" strategy used by a lot of teams. What I mean here is a strategy to kill the opponent from long range with combination of nukes.

9. Despite being popular pick before TI4, Silencer will remain under picked.

10. Luna will get picked up more during the main event due to being great in all stage of the game and can be used in early push.

11. Morphling is the most successful carry in the group stage, and will remain so in the main event.

12. Strategy with double carry plus big team fight will be the most successful strategy in this tournament.

1. Navi will not enter final this year.

2. C9 will not enter final this year.

3. VG will have slight edge over Newbee.

4. If EG get radiant side, they will likely lose the game.

5. DK will have slight advantage over EG.

6. Please don't bet for lower bracket since anything can happen there.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dota 2 Strategy

Dota2 is a game of skill and strategy. No strategy or line up can be said as the best as all strategy has its pros and cons. However, some of the strategies can be said as more stable simply because they allow more room for mistake. For example, I wouldn't consider a 5 carries line up as a valid strategy because it would be impossible for the team to reach late game since their early game is terrible. Also, I don't like a no carry pusher team because if you fail to take a lane of rax before 20 minutes, you simply lose the game.

So, what is a good strategy? A good strategy simply has room for mistake, or we can say alternative plan. In this meta, many of strategies are viable. In other words, this meta is volatile. I will go through some strategies and explain in details.

Duo Cores (双核)
2 core means double carry, and usually this kind of line-up has 2 main damage dealer. The other 3 usually provide utility and disable in ganking and team fight. Usually this type of strategy has balanced amount of early game and late game which means it has more room for mistake. One of the advantages for this strategy is that when playing from behind, teams can simply switch from 3-protect-2 to 4-protect-1. When it has a great early start, this line up can also take the fight to opponent. This type of line up use the resource in the most reasonable way. This is because in most of the game, only 2 lanes can provide good farm (usually for position 1 and 2). Hence, an additional carry is often not an ideal choice since he won't get enough farm to come online in the mid game. Thus, make the team vulnerable to mid game aggression. However, this type of line up require decent laning phase to take it to the mid game. But, falling slightly behind in early game is still manageable. In this case, the team can try to play 4-protect-1 style to create space for the main carry. Then use the super-farmed 1 position to create space for the rest of the team. However, this is just doable but not ideal. Split pushing ability is important in this kind of line up. Usually, at least one great split pusher is needed in this type of line up. Split pushing is one of the best way to get farm and in the same time, create space for the rest of the team. Lastly, counter initiation is important too. Since the opponents will try to gank the cores, counter initiation can be crucial to survive the gank. This type of style is mostly used by team DK. There is 1 more thing to mention, the carries must be good in the late game or else this strategy will fall apart.

Best Against    : 4-protect-1
Worst Against : none

4-protect-1 and duo cores has almost the same playstyle and both wish to take it late. However, duo cores has better late game due to having 1 more core. Hence, if the game is dragged to very late game, the single core will be out carried by the double cores. This makes the playstyle of 4-protect-1 very ineffective against duo cores. The duo cores has no particularly bad match up because of its sheer versatility. However, it can be caught off guard with intense early game aggression followed by huge pushing power.

Example : 1) Morphling
                2) Viper
                3) Tide Hunter
                4) Minara
                5) Lion
                1) Tiny
                2) Puck
                3) Nature's Prophet
                4) Treant Protector
                5) Io

Tri Cores Rush Face(三核冲脸)
Basically, 3 cores itself has 2 styles and both of them are completely different. One of them is focused on mid-game aggression and the other one is considered super greedy late game strategy. Since the former is far more popular, we will only discuss about the mid-game aggression 3 cores. This style is first used by Newbee. I think that this style is actually very flexible and has enough fire power in early, mid and late game. This type of style does not require team to run hard carry. Instead, they run 3 semi carries. Also, at least 2 cores are tanky so that they can act as front line. This type of strategy rely on their support during the early game to make rotation to secure the early advantage. Then, they will force the fight and take down tower by tower. Hence, picking the aggressive support is one of the key to its success. One of the advantages of this strategy is that it is extremely strong in mid game and still can hold its ground in late game. Also, there is almost no boundary between position 1, 2 and 3. Meaning that the 3 cores can exchange their position on farm priority based on the need of the team. This is very different from 4-protect-1 and duo cores where the farm priority is clear. Also, the initiator is extremely important for this strategy. With powerful initiation, they can take the fight to opponent. With tanky core and powerful team fight, they will force the fight with initiation and once they win the fight, they will take down the tower. Lastly, Meka carrier is important in this strategy since they need to group up and fight very early on. Hence, in this type of strategy, the Meka carrier is often given farm in the early game to secure fast Meka timing. However, split push seems to be biggest weakness of this type of strategy. Tanky cores and initiators are usually not mobile and they tend to be bad split pusher. Split pushing can delay their mid game aggression and avoid the fight. Powerful counter initiation can also counter this type of playstyle effectively.

Best Against    : greedy line up with 3 or more cores
Worst Against : split push with good late game

Usually, greedy line up lacks of counter initiation and counter push ability. This makes it weak against the rush face strategy. Also, in the early to mid game, tanky cores with early Meka are very hard to be brought down. Thus, they can group up and push down tower without fear. However, split push is one of the best counter to the rush face strategy.

Example: 1) Viper
               2) Brewmaster
               3) Doom
               4) Enchantress
               5) Rubick
               1) Viper
               2) Death Prophet
               3) Tide Hunter
               4) Enchantress
               5) Shadow Shaman

This used to be the "go to" strategy in TI2. But, with huge amount of changes to the game, this is no longer the case. Nowadays, the 4-protect-1 style no longer has the late game advantage. This is due to the popularity of duo cores and tri cores. These type of strategy can hold their own in the late game against 4-protect-1, and offer much more flexibility. As said by LD, never put all the egg in 1 basket, and this is the story of today. However, this is still doable given in the right situation. This type of style is mainly used by Fnatic and occasionally, team DK. In the early game, 4 players must be able to play 4 v 5 before the carry comes online. Hence, heroes choice is extremely important. Also, the picks must have really good synergy with the carry in order to have good late game. I will not try to explain in a very detailed way since this is considered out-dated and is commonly known by everybody.

Example: 1) Tinker
               2) Brewmaster
               3) Beastmaster
               4) Visage
               5) Treant Protector
               1) Naga Siren
               2) Puck
               3) Elder Titan
               4) Lion
               5) Disruptor

Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014


Arrow Shooting Tower
This card is change to Defense Position when it is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned successfully. This card can attack while it is in Defense Position. If you control this card in face-up Defense Position, all Spell and Trap cards you control cannot be destroyed by your opponent card's effect. Once per turn, if this card in face-up Defense Position is attacked by an opponent's monster, you can negate the attack, then add 1 "Tower" monster card from your deck to your hand except "Arrow Shooting Tower".

Iron Wall Tower
This card is change to Defense Position when it is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned successfully. This card can attack while it is in Defense Position. If you control this card in face-up Defense Position, all Spell and Trap cards you control cannot be destroyed by your opponent card's effect. Once per turn, if this card in face-up Defense Position is attacked by an opponent's monster, you can negate the attack, then place 1 "Tower Counter" on this card (max 1). This card gains 300 DEF for each "Tower Counter" placed on this card. If a face-up defense position "Tower" monster would be destroy, you can remove 1 "Wall Counter" from this card instead.

Freezing Tower
This card is change to Defense Position when it is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned successfully. This card can attack while it is in Defense Position. If you control this card in face-up Defense Position, all Spell and Trap cards you control cannot be destroyed by your opponent card's effect. Once per turn, if this card in face-up Defense Position is attacked by an opponent's monster, you can negate the attack, then target 1 card on the field; return the target to the Deck.

Flame Tower
This card is change to Defense Position when it is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned successfully. This card can attack while it is in Defense Position. Once per turn, if this card in face-up Defense Position is attacked by an opponent's monster, you can negate the attack, then increase this card ATK by 500. During your Main Phase 1, you can tribute this card in face-up Defense Position to destroy 1 card your opponent controls, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. If you do, it is the end phase of this turn. During your Standby Phase, if you control a face-up Defense Position "Tower" monster, you can add this card from your graveyard to your hand. This effect of "Flame Tower" can only be used once per turn.

Laser Beam Tower
This card is change to Defense Position when it is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned successfully. This card can attack while it is in Defense Position. If you control this card in face-up Defense Position, all Spell and Trap cards you control cannot be destroyed by your opponent card's effect. Once per turn, if this card in face-up Defense Position is attacked by an opponent's monster, you can negate the attack, then special summon 1 "Tower" monster from your deck in face-up Defense Position except "Laser Beam Tower".

Cannon Tower
This card is change to Defense Position when it is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned successfully. This card can attack while it is in Defense Position. If you control this card in face-up Defense Position, all Spell and Trap cards you control cannot be destroyed by your opponent card's effect. Once per turn, if this card in face-up Defense Position is attacked by an opponent's monster, you can negate the attack, then draw 1 card.

Holy Tower - Heaven Judgement
2 Level 4 Rock-Type monsters
This card can attack while it is in Defense Position. If you control this card in face-up Defense Position, all Spell and Trap cards you control cannot be destroyed by your opponent card's effect. Once per turn, if this card in face-up Defense Position is attacked by an opponent's monster, you can special summon 1 "Tower" monster from your hand or Graveyard, then switch the attack target to that monster. If this card in face-up Defense Position would be destroyed, you can destroy other face-up defense position "Tower" monster instead. If this card has Xyz materials, your opponent cannot Special Summon monsters. During your Standby-Phase, you must detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then increase this card DEF by 500.

Tower Blocked the Way
Normal Trap
This card can only be activated in your opponent's turn, if you control a face-up Defense Position "Tower" monster, change all monster your opponent currently controls to Attack Position and negate their effect until the end of this turn. All Attack Position monsters must attack if possible during this turn.

Tower Unpassable Defense
Counter Trap
This card can only be activated if you control a face-up Defense Position "Tower" monster, negate the activation of your opponent's Spell/Trap card.

Saturday, January 18, 2014



Masked Beast - Balrog Dog
FLIP: Destroy 1 card on the field. When this card is flipped face-up, destroyed it during the end phase of that turn.

Masked Beast - Spirit Cat
FLIP: Select up to 2 cards on the field except this card, return the selected cards to the hand. When this card is flipped face-up, destroyed it during the end phase of that turn.

Masked Beast - Dark Falcon
FLIP: Select 1 "Masked Beast" monster and special summon it to your field in face-down defense position except "Masked Beast - Dark Falcon". When this card is flipped face-up, destroyed it during the end phase of that turn.

Masked Beast - Battle Ox
FLIP: Draw 1 card. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. During your end phase, destroy this card if it is face-up on your field.

Masked Beast - Baphomet
FLIP: Select 1 "Masked Beast" monster you control, change the level of all "Masked Beast" monsters you currently control to the level of selected monster. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. During your end phase, destroy this card if it is face-up on your field.

Masked Beast - Underworld Serpent
Flip: Special summon 2 "Masked Beast" monsters with the same level in your graveyard. Immediately after this effect resolves, xyz summon a "Masked Beast" xyz monster using those 2 monsters only. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. During your end phase, destroy this card if it is face-up on your field.

Masked Beast - Ghost Fire Fox
During your main phase, you can send this card from your hand to your graveyard. If you do, up to twice per turn, you can change a face-down monster you control into face-up attack position. You can only activate the effect of "Masked Beast - Ghost Fire Fox" per turn.


Masked Beast King - Doom Unicorn
2 x level 2 "Masked Beast" monsters
If you control face-down defense position monster, this card cannot be selected as an attack target and cannot be destroyed by card effects. This card gains 200 ATK for each face-down monster you control. Once per turn, you can detach 1 xyz material from this card, special summon 1 "Masked Beast" monster from your graveyard in face-down defense position. Each time a "Masked Beast" monster is flipped face-up, inflict 800 damage to your opponent.

Masked Beast King - Shadow Lion
2 x level 3 "Masked Beast" monsters
If you control face-down defense position monster, this card cannot be selected as attack target and cannot be destroyed by card effects. Once during either player's turn, you can detach 1 xyz material from this card to activates one of these effects:
- select 1 face-up monster and change it to face-down defense position.
- select 1 face-down monster and change it to face-up attack position.
Each time a "Masked Beast" monster is flipped face-up, inflict 800 damage to your opponent. During your end-phase, you can attach 1 "Masked Beast" monster to this card as xyz material, then draw 1 card. This effect can only be activated once per turn.


Masked Beast Call
Normal Spell
Add 1 "Masked Beast" monster from your deck to your hand, if you do, you cannot normal summon or special summon monsters in face-up position until the end of this turn. You can only activate 1 "Masked Beast Reinforcement" per turn.

Masked Beast Draw
Quick-Play Spell
Activate this card only if you control a face-down monster or a "Masked Beast" monster (at least 1). Draw 2 cards, then send 1 "Masked Beast" card to your graveyard, and if you do not, skip your next 2 draw phases. You can only activate 1 "Masked Beast Draw" per turn.


Masked Beast Mirror
Normal Trap
Special summon 1 level 3 or lower "Masked Beast" monster from your graveyard in face-down defense position. Immediately after this effect resolves, change it to face-up attack position. You can only activate 1 "Masked Beast Mirror" per turn.