Sunday, April 25, 2010


Before reading this post, if you have any question about what deck should you build, read my previous post "BEST POSSIBLE DECK".

What is the purpose of deck building? It's to maximising your luck during duel. Remember, build deck to draw good card.

1. Always build your deck around 40 cards. This is to increase deck's consistency. A thinner deck will have higher chance to draw certain cards compare to a thicker deck.

2. Always get staple cards first. A card is considered as staple if it's used in almost every deck, especially meta deck.

Example of staple cards:
-Heavy Storm
-Mystical Space Typhoon
-Smashing Ground
-Book of Moon
-Mirror Force
-Torrential Tribute
-Bottomless Trap Hole
-Solemn Judgement

3. After that, get your semi-staple. A card is considered as semi-staple if it's used in many deck, but not everyone runs it. A semi-staple card is also a good side deck material.

Example of semi-staple cards:
-Lightning Vortex
-Enemy Controller
-My Body as Shield
-Dust Tornado
-Dimension Prison
-Starlight Road
-Trap Dustshot
-Royal Oppression
-Call of the Haunted

4. Then, get cards that support and work together with your cards based on your deck type. As an instance, if you run a Blackwing deck, get cards such as Black Whirl Wind, Allure of Darkness, Dark Armed Dragon and Icarus Attack.

5. Now, work on your extra deck. 15 cards is suggested(provided you have enough money). Extra deck may consist of synchro monster and fusion monster. Actually, extra deck also has its STAPLE.

Trishula, the Dragon of the Ice Boundary
Stardust Dragon
Blackrose Dragon
Goyo Guardian
Brionic, the Dragon of the Ice Boundary
AOJ Castator
Armory Arm

6. Finally, consider some card as your side deck. Purpose of side deck is to against other decks. Side deck materials often change every format. Your side deck should always based on meta. Example:

Against Blackwings - Trap hole, Thunder King Rai-oh
Against Machina Gadgets - Thunder King Rai-oh, Chimterach Fortress Dragon.
Against Flamevell cat - Nobleman of Crossout
Against Gladiator Beast - Legendary Juju Master, Royal Oppression

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