Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Counter Trap card
Activate only when your opponent activates a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect, if you control a face-up Attack Position "Infernity" monster and have no cards in your hand. Negate the activation and destroy that card.

This card is just like an nice addition to Infernities deck. Not yet mention that it is searchable. It like a more situational solemn judgement with no cost. However, this card has 3 activating condition. This is probably the biggest drawback of this card. Lets we talk about it. Erm... I mean the activating condition.

1. Handless
The common "identity" of Infernities and thier supports. It is also the easiest condition to be achieved out of the 3.

2. You've to control an "Infernity" monster
Somehow ok as it is very likely to happen most of the time.

3. The "Infernity" monster have to be in attack position
Erm... This is the main problem. Most of the Infernities are too weak to survive under battle beside Infernity Archfiend and Infernity Doom Dragon

Lastly, sorry for the picture. It is not so clear.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Rating:2/5 (the best I can give)

I've nothing to say about this movie. Hopeless. Hong Kong film industry is going to collapse. So many actors/actress involved, but still, failure. You may feel funny when you start watching this, but it ends up with diapointment. It just like the "mixture" of previous movie. Maybe the director had run out of ideas. 1 word - SUCKS.


WATER/ Dragon /Synchro /level 9 /ATK 2700 /DEF 2000 /
1 Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can remove from play up to 1 card from each of the following places: your opponent's hand, field, and/or Graveyard.

Rating:5/5(staple for infernities)
:3/5 in other decks as they need much more effort to bring it out

Erm... Lets talk about it. This card's artwork impressed me. This card is a level 9 generic synchro monster. Its stat is somehow ok for its level. 2700 ATK can take down almost every monster in the game. Although it needs at least two non-tuner as its synchro material, but this is not a problem. What is so good about this card is its effect. When this card is synchro summoned, remove from play each card from your opponent's hand, field, and graveyard. This is godlike. It can probally gain you advantage over your opponent and help to control your opponent graveyard. Many OCG player have complained about the brokenness of this card(since TCG players do not get Trishula yet). This card has been compared to Brionic and DAD as the new "game changer". Although it proceeds such an amazing effect but itself is not a problem. Level 9 synchros are hard to summon and may cost you at least 3 monster in order to summon him. What makes it broken are Infernities that can bring him out with ease. Infernities have high swarming ability that can make possible spam of triple Trishula in 1 turn. It is the real "boss" of infernities( although it doesn't has "infernity" in its name). It just makes broken deck more broken.

Saturday, March 20, 2010



Friday, March 19, 2010


Again, Lizhe "aeroplaned" us. Lizhe not only didn't bring his deck come but didn't bring himself to come. He said that he wanna write his essay, so nothing could be done. Tze zhang and me still decided to go Alvin's house as we already long time no meet. If not mistaken, I left my house at 11.00am then reached at 11.20am( just agak agak). Tze Zhang said that he leave Khai Yuen at N-Tech then only he came to Alvin's house. I played yugioh with Tze Zhang( just around 7 games). After 40 minutes, Khai Yuen suddenly phoned Tze Zhang and asked Tze Zhang to fetch him. According to Tze Zhang, Khai Yuen said his mother is going to kill him if he still didn't go back. Hence, Tze Zhang rushed to fetch him( not even finished our last game). I thought it would be quite a while, so I drove to krico to chat with Ah chiong( it's really unlucky that Ah Chiong still didn't come to work yet). Hence, I drove my car back to Alvin's house. Again, Alvin was not at home. I quickly phoned him to ask where did he go. He said he and Tze Zhang went to grassland nearby, Tze Zhang's motorcycle crashed someone's car. Without hesitating, I went to the grassland to see what had happened there. After understanding the situation there, I got to know that Tze Zhang crashed an Indian women's car when he tried to make a turn. Both of them couldn't apply their break in time. She asked Tze Zhang to pay her RM150 as compensate.(I don't know the detail because I came late). But, she was still not satisfied yet and asked for more. Alvin's father tried to argue with her and finally she agreed with the value. That was fortunate that Tze Zhang was not injured. We as his friend also felt relieved for that( his leg wounded, but not serious). The rest just feel lazy to write. But 1 thing is comfirmed - We all are staying at home now XD.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Date :19March(Tomorrow)
Time :11.00a.m.(not very sure)
Venue :Alvin's house(Taman Sentul Jaya)

I just hope that Lizhe will bring his deck come.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Only a few of my friends play yugioh. I think there are only 3 or 4 of them. I always wanna introduce this game to my friend because I think that yugioh is a nice game. It can really build up my IQ and logic thinking. It is a good game that make me spend my time on it. Thinking of the strategies and duel with my friend. It just give me a lot of fun. However, most of my friends think that yugioh is a children's card game. We, duelist often being criticized as "childish person". But, the fact is most of the duelist are teenager and even adult. Example: me(17), Ah chong(20), Tze Zhang(17), Lizhe(16). Trust me, this game is not for children. It is just too complicated for a child.


In this post, I'll discuss about the way to fight with BlackWings. Since last format, many GB's player already say that Blackwings is the toughest matchup for GBs. After play testing, I found that is true. Mainly because most of the BWs attack point are higher than GB, and they summon monster with high attack easily. So it is really hard for us to attack and tag out. War Chariot sometime just can't function without GBs on the field. If you let BW Shura attack sucessfully, then GG because they will normally choose to summon vayu then perform synchro summon. Then activate Vayu's effect to perform "graveyard synchro". But what I'll say is sometimes it really depends on luck. I've dueled Tze Zhang's BW deck. The result is 4:6. Sometime for Gbs, BWs are hard to against. Maybe Rescue Cat can help us. If you can affort Starlight Road, I'll say go for it. This is because Icarus Attack is really a problem card.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Yesterday, I went to Raja Uda and visit a card shop there (1st time drove so far). Tze Zhang and Khai Yuen go with me. Actually, I seldom go to card shop as I normally Ah Chiong help me to find cards. But, I've to admit that that shop is good, really good. You can buy almost any cards there as long as you've money.

Price(just as reference)
Royal Oppression: RM 25
Waboku: RM 20
Elemental Hero Prisma: RM 200-RM300 (What the ...)
Mirror Force: RM 15
Bottemless Trap Hole: RM 10

The rest don't ask me

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I only have 2 minutes to work on this post. My friend( Tze Zhang, Khai Yuen, Wei Xuan) call me go N-Tech( a cyber cafe). Bye Bye.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Haha. Finally, I've finished this article. For those who is interested in building Infernity deck, you can refer this article of course. I'll cover some of the strategies and playstyle in this article.

-Monster- 16
3 Infernity Archfiend
3 Infernity Necromancer
3 Infernity Beetle
1 Infernity Reloader
2 Infernity Revenger
2 Infernity Mirage
2 Dark Grepher

-Spell- 10
3 Infernity Gun
1 Heavy storm
1 Mst
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Brain Control
1 Mind Control
1 Allure of Darkness
1 One for One

-Trap- 14
2 Dust Tornado
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Bottemless Trap Hole
1 Trap Dustshot
1 Solemn Judgement
1 Call of the Haunted
2 Infernity Barrier
2 Raigeki Break
1 Starlight road

-Extra deck- 15
1 Armory Arm
1 AOJ Castator
1 Magical Android
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Brionic
1 X-saber Urbellum
1 Blackrose Dragon
3 Stardust Dragon
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Infernity Death Dragon
3 Trishula

Why run Reinforcement of the Army?
You have 3 target for RotA: 2 Dark Grepher and 1 Infernity reloader. So, why don't run him? Search for Dark Grepher to set up your OTK play, or Infernity reloader for extra draw power. At the same time, it help to thin out your deck.

No Infernity Guardian?
Yes, I don't recommend him in standard build. Although sometimes it may be helpful, but you'll find that he is actually not needed at all. This deck just win too fast and you even don't need him to stall.

Starlight Road is a staple?
Yes, definitely. Just imagine, if you set all your hand and your opponent activate heavy storm. Or even worst - Judgement Dragon. But in this format, this card just give you alot of protection against Gyzarus, Icarus attack, Mirror Force, Judgement dragon, Torrential Tribute, Demise. Although it might be a dead draw, but it definetely worth it.


EARTH /Beast /Effect /level 4 /ATK 300 /DEF 100 /
You can send this face-up card to the Graveyard to Special Summon 2 Level 3 or lower Beast-Type monsters from your Deck. Those monsters are destroyed during the End Phase.


Once synchros have been introduce, this card is being used widely. This is mainly because it is capable to bring out X-saber Airbellum, giving you an easy Goyo or Brionic. Some even build a deck around him( synchro cat). However, synchro cat deck were dead after sept2009 (Rescue Cat - limited, Summoner Monk - limited, Cold wave - limited, Dark Strike Fighter - banned). But still, this card give a lot of power and speed to GBs and X-sabers.

For GBs, you can pull out so many combos with this single card:
Test Tiger + Samnite = instant tag
Test Tiger + Test Tiger = indtant double tag
Samnite + Samnite = easy fusion material, or launch 3200 damage on opponent then tag again.
X-saber Airbellum + Samnite or Test Tiger = easy synchro Goyo Guardian or Brionic

For X-sabers, this card aids in Faultroll loop which can wipe your opponent's hand.Damn broken.

Last word, enjoy using this little cute kitty while we can. Everyone just think that it'll be banned in September.


This's a nice movie indeed. Far more better than some Jackie Chan recent movie. I think it's meaningful, has nice story line, some nice action scence. I would rate it 4/5


7A's. Neither too good nor too bad. I'm satisfied. But what makes me feel not so happy was I get B+ for my English. I expect better as I always get 75 and above in school exam. I'll just repeat what I always use to console people - already good lioa la, pass lioa la. For those who didn't get good result, dun be upset(which is impossible). We still have long journey to go.


Some of my friend already say( complain) that my blog only consist of yugioh things. So I'll (maybe) post something about my life, experience, or anything else.

Friday, March 12, 2010


DARK /Fiend /Effect /level 4 /ATK1800 /DEF1200 /
When you have no cards in your hand and draw this card, you can reveal it to special summon it. When this card is special summoned, if you have no cards in your hand, you can add 1 "Infernity" card from your deck to your hand.

Rating: 5/5
This card is the best Infernity card ever created. It has simple effect and 1800 atk which is respectable. It acts as a searcher, beatstick, and combo enabler. Without this card Infernities are nothing, with this Infernities are beasts. This card is the "Infernity" monster with highest ATK besides Infernity Destroyer and Infernity Doom Dragon. However only a few people run Destroyer. Doom Dragon is a synchro so you can't add him in your deck. This card may worth RM170(almost equal to US Dollar 55) in Malaysia. This is the main reason why I don't want to build Infernity deck. For those who still don't understand how Infernity OTK works, I'll explain now.

Condition: having atleast 1 Infernity Archfiend, 1 Infernity tuner( Beetle or Revenger), and 1 Infernity Necromancer in graveyard.

Hand needed: One-for-One, Infernity Mirage, Infernity Necromancer, Infernity Gun, Infernity Archfiend(drawing him when handless), Call of the haunted(have to wait next turn). I'd not mean that you must have all of these card in your hand, but just one. One of these cards is enough to perform an OTK.

Procedure(assume that you draw a Mirage)

1. Set all your hand (S/T).

2. Summon Mirage

3. Activate the effect of Mirage. Special Summon Archfiend and Necromancer form your graveyard.

4. Activate the effect of Archfiend. Search for Gun.

5. Set Gun

6. Activate the effect of Necromancer. Special Summon Beetle form your graveyard.

7. Synchro summon Trishula.

8. Activate the effect of Trishula to remove from play each one card from opponent's graveyard, hand and field.

9. Activate set gun. Special summon Archfiend and Necromancer from graveyard.

10. Repeat step 4-9 until you have 3 Trishula on your field and probably another archfiend and beetle. Direct attack for 2700+2700+2700+1200+1800 = 11100 = win.


Actually this post is related to my previous post. I'll talk about some technique and misplay in duel( mostly about GBs and BW ).

1.Burning or damaging your opponent with the cost of your field advantage or hand advantage is not a wise thing to do. Who knows Tze zhang? He is my friend actually and we often play yugioh together. But he is new to this game and often makes some serious misplays. I remembered one time, he direct attack me and he launch his Kalut. Absolutely a big misplay. Giving up his protection just to do 1400 more damage on me.

2. Synchro 1st turn = misplay? Yes, it is. Never never synchro on your first turn as it'll probably be killed before it cause any damage to your opponent. I have noticed some situation like this:

Tze Zhang: I play Black Whirlwind, summon Bora search for Gale. Special summon Gale and synchro summon Armor Master.
Me : I play Smashing Ground
Tze Zhang: Oh, no...

But of course, Stardust is different story.

3. Another situation is when your opponent control a strong monster and you have no trap to protect yourself. The only monster in your hand is a weak monster. Would you summon or set him? For me, I rather just end my turn if I think I've more than enough LP to survive next turn. If you set your monster, your monster will just be killed and if you do not draw your monster next turn, you lose. I rather take some damage than lose my precious monster. Your opponent may summon a weaker monster in order to do more damage on you. That's your chance. As a GB's player, a weaker monster means tag. I'll summon my monster, kill his weaker monster, tag out Murmillo to destroy his stronger monster. Then the table is turned.

4. Mst can be used in such a way. Set your mst, when your opponent set a S/T card, activate Mst to destroy his back row. This is to prevent your opponent from chaining his card as the card that he set is probably trap. Trap can't be activated during the turn being set. Of course, you only do this when you're confident enough that you can attack successfully during next turn.

5. I've found out that Dust Tornado is always useful against blackwing. Use dust tornado to destroy their Black Whirlwind.

6. For Blackwing player (standard Blackwing) , always save your vayu. Do not synchro unless you've ran out of choice. Your monsters in graveyard are your precious resource.

7. I almost forget, I still have 1 things to tell you guys. Heraklinos play is common in GB deck. But, does it a wise choice to summon him? When should I summon him? I'll say only when you have at least 1 set chariot and 1 hand card. Or when you feel afraid for your opponent's set card, maybe a mirror force, you can summon him. Atk, then tag out for 3 more GBs. Do not leave him on your field as it may end up being destroy by monster effect then cause -3 on you.

I'm working on Infernity deck thought and combos now. Maybe next post



-Monsters- 17
1 Elemental Hero Prisma
1 Rescue Cat
3 Test Tiger
1 Gladiator Beast Darius
2 Gladiator Beast Equeste
1 Gladiator Beast Hoplomus
2 Gladiator Beast Laquari
2 Gladiator Beast Samnite
1 Gladiator Beast Murmillo
1 Gladiator Beast Bestiari
1 Gladiator Beast Secutor
1 Gladiator Beast Retiari

-Spells- 11
3 Gladiator Proving Ground
3 Book of Moon
1 Smashing Ground
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Giant Trunade
1 My Body As A Shield

-Traps- 12
1 Solemn Judgment
3 Gladiator Beast War Chariot
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Mirror Force
2 Waboku
1 Dust Tornado
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Call of the Haunted

-Extra deck- 6
3 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
3 Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

What is the best build for GBs ?
I'll say it's standard GBs. But it depends. I just feel that D-fissure GBs and Prisma GBs won't work. Forest GBs worse than both. D-prison GBs may be great in last format, but no in this. Zombie and Lightsworns already considered half dead and completely fall out of tier 1 deck. They aren't as strong as they used to be. So why worry about them? graveyard control doesn't seem so well anymore.

Can I add some tuner in GBs?
Yes. The only tuner that i suggest is X-saber Airbellum. The only reason to use him is for cat target. But, runing too much of non-GBs monster in your deck may cause u a problem. You'll find yourself always lack of target to use your chariot and test tiger.

Should I main deck Retiari?
Yes. It has several uses. Smashing ground Stardust, attack then tag out for Retiari, remove from play stardust. Kill Vayu, tag out Retiari and remove from play Vayu. Remove from play Infernity archfiend to spoil infernity's plan to perform OTK.

Can i contact fusion with face-down GBs?
Yes, you can. As long as it is correct GB. What's the point to do so? Mainly because of bottemless. If your opponent bottomless your Bestiari, you can't get Gyzarus out anymore as Bestiari is limited to 1. But if they bottomelss your Gyzarus, you still can contact for Gyzarus as you can have 3 copies. It is also an advantage that contact fusion can't be stopped by Book of Moon.

Should I run respite?
It's up to you. What can I say is personal preference. For me no. It become dead draw too often.But i admit that sometime it maybe helpful. Especially with Equeste, you can recycle your respite constantly and generate great speed. But for me, its cons are bigger than its pros.

Summoner Monk, Cyber Dragon and Gorz?
No. As what I've said before, too many non-GBs monster will cause you problem

Besides that, I also wanna share my dueling experience with you guys. If you have cards like this in your hand, what will you do?
1. Test Tiger
2. Test Tiger
3. Gladiator Beast War Chariot
4. Mst
5. Heavy Storm
6. Smashing Ground

For me, I'll just set my Tiger and Mst and end my turn. Of course almost everyone will do that. But for me I just feel safe. Because normally my opponent will try to summon monster than has more than 2100 ATK. They just think the set monster is GB Hoplomus. So they do not dare to attack. That's probably because GB's player seldom set monster. Until I summon a GB and then flip my Tiger they realised. Another thing is tag choice. For me, I'll tag out Hoplomus if there is Proving ground in my hand. That's because for next turn I can just search for Bestiari to carry out contact fusion. Hoplomus is preferable because he has the highest survivability as he has 2400 DEF. But it is always depends on the situation.


Hey guys, I'm Goay Chan Hong. I'm new to Blogger. I have been playing yugioh for a period of time and follow closely to the change of meta game. I know that my English wasn't that good and I may make some mistake in typing. As long as you understand what I'm trying to say, it's ok.Now, start our topic.

March banlist clearly show that Konami is trying to kill, or should we say slow down Lightsworns and Zombies. They are the one who being affected the most by the banlist. Blackwing were hurt a little bit too. Now the meta has open the door for other deck to compete. This may lead to the rise of Gladiator beast and other deck such as Monarch, X-Sabbers and Dragons. But there is another deck that probably rise and take the place of Lightsworn as the "big brother" of the meta game. That's Infernities. You may argue with me Infernities is just a deck that works well in theory and doesn't proven to be good. You'r wrong. Indeed, Infernities are broken. They perform OTK too often, spaming triple Trishula means game. Now, I would like to talk about my prediction on the tier of the decks in this format.

Just like Lightsworns, this deck faces the problem of consistency. Unlike Lightsworns
which normally run 24-26 monsters, Infernities run 15-17 monster which considered low number count. Drawing Mirage in the first turn may be a problem for them since there is no monster in graveyard. But when they draw the right card, they win. They just need 1 card to win with the condition that at least 1 Infernity Archfiend and another Infernity tuner in thier graveyard and probably another Infernity Necromancer. The "1 card" can be One for One, Infernity Mirage, Infernity Gun, Infernity Necromancer, and even Call of the Haunted.

status: tier 1 no doubt.

This deck has proven to be good. Although it lose 1 Allure and 1 Whirlwind, they regain speed after the release of The Shining Darkness. They can just run 2 Blackwing Treasure to replace Allure and Whirlwind.

status: tier 1

I run this deck. This deck is the deck with the best consistency. I'm saying this because it's a fact, not because I run this deck. For anyone who runs this deck, I've to say go for standard. Prisma build and D-fissure build are crap. They just don't work. Run a single copy of Prisma is enough with cat engine. This deck will be big in this format because none one Gb's card is touched. From time to time, this deck has proven to be very consistent and can always search for an answer in different situation. Thanks to tag system. Nowsaday, more and more people complain about Gyzarus for his brokenness. Heraklinos and set a War Chariot = win. ^^

status: tier 1

These 3 decks are like "3 kingdoms" in yugioh meta and yet to determine which is stronger. I'm not going to go through decks like monarch and cyber OTK although they gain some boast. Any deck other than these 3 is tier 2 or lower.