Saturday, June 12, 2010



Date: 13.6.2010
Venue: Around SMK Jalan Damai(not sure for the address)
Time: 9.00 a.m.

1st time join the Yugi-oh community, I think there was more than 10 people. I just went there for dueling. Enjoy life...

Match 1(GB minor match)
Game 1: He tagged out double Laquari, I thought that I will lose with only a book in my hand. Luckily I drew into a Cat. Cat -> Samnite -> Secutor, booked his Laquari and Secutor attacked into Laquari. I tagged out Laquari and Bestiari, contacted my Bestiari and Secutor into Gyzarus and I won from here.

Game 2: Forgot about the detail but I lose

Game 3: Same as Game 2

Result: Lost

Match 2(Blackwing)
Game 1: I summoned Murmillo and test tiger into Secutor, attacked his face-down BW Silver Shield for an Instant Heraklinos. I set War Chariot and he was screwed.

Game 2: I Drew Cat, Secutor combo again.

Result: Won

Match 3(Six Samurai)
Game 1: I had 2 Laquari and a War Chariot. He was Screwed.

Game 2: He swarmed with Grandmaster, I had no answer.

Game 3: Heraklinos lock.

Result: Won

Match 4(Zombies)
Game 1: I kept swaping Laquari and Equeste for Chariot lock. He had no answer.

Game 2: Heraklinos Chariot lock.

Result: Won

Match 5(Blackwing - Mr Ang Tze Zhang)
I just knew I lost, he kept saying that his move is not counted and ask for another move, I speechless.

Result: Lost

Match 6(Lightsworn)
Game 1: He actiavted 2 Recharge and 1 Charge, milled a Wulf. He sent a lot of monster to graveyard to set up for JD. I chariot once, but he Beakoning for another JD.

Game 2: Heraklinos chariot.

Game 3: Heraklinos lockdown. But I have no Chariot set. Luckily I drew my body and kill his JD.

Result: Won

A good day, played with pros... Lightsworn is broken, powerful even the build is not perfect.

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