Thursday, August 19, 2010



They didn't get hit besides Rescue Cat, that's why they're good. Before Sept format, they're overpowered or we should say overpowered if compared with other deck. X-Sabers are outstanding. Their speed and their power are so much greater than others. In fact, Infernities can be said to be equal power as X-Sabers due to thier ability to spam synchro and push for heavy damage. However, last format proved that X-Sabers > Infernities. Infernities was a hype, they're too inconsistent and tend to draw bad hand. Before Sept, X-Sabers are god tier( due to major X-Sabers topping). This format, they're still very good deck( I believe so). But thier build is going to change, probably replace cat with another Fullhelm Knight, drop 1 Airbellum ( no point to run 2 w/o cat ) for Pashuul, main deck Reborn and Dark Hole...

They always get under the banlist, as expected. Again they're unhit, and due to this reason they're good. Many top tier deck is slowed down by Sept banlist, such as Blackwings, X-Sabers and Infernity. Hence, they can complete better. They're super versatile, super consistent, and have very good control power. They've precious asset - War Chariot and Gyzarus which keep them top tier for every format. They can fight against almost every deck. Even X-Sabers can't do that. GBs are the examples of well-designed card, good yet not broken.

Dandylion unhit, okay. Gain more support, okay. Err... wait... what kind of support? Grow up bulb, a tuner that can revive w/o any cost? No! Tuning, RotA for Synchrons? No! I think it's pretty much very clear...

Herald here means Advanced Ritual Art version of Herald. The ability to control the game and negate every opponent's move + special summon lockdown. Just like machina, almost every cards in this deck can search for ritual cards which make this deck very consistent. However, they're easy to side against. GB are thier nightmare...

TIER 1.5

No point to hit this deck. They are one of the most balanced deck in last format. But still, due to Overwinning in OCG they were hit. With 1 Whirlwind, they lose thier consistency. Besides that, they've lost thier control power due to limitation of Royal Oppression. However, they're still a solid deck and still playable, but not top tier anymore.

Still the same as before. With heavy gone, they can control the game better. In last format, they din do well due to inability to stop OTK and big push... With Heavy Gone, this deck might do better, but not much different.

DO you play this deck before? It's good, versatile and consistent.

1 comment:

  1. Machina Jinzo OTK for the win. You can just run machina fortress, gearframe, and soldier in triples, put in staple spells and traps, and just cyber dragons and 3 J.returners and Jinzos with future fusion and overload. Side 3 vortex trooper, 3 cyber valley, machine duplication for draw power, and pretty much, it will go head to head with any of your predicted decks.

